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这条小河沟几乎干涸了。The small brook nearly dried up.

我计划到河对岸最深的河沟,这样就可以把鱼放生。My plan is to reach the deep channel on the opposite bank so I can set it free.

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因为,他对小河沟的地理环境最熟悉,所以他把我们引到了一个有水坑的路子。He was very familiar with the background of this place so he led us to a way with a water hole.

管理员们把这位32岁妇女从北极熊馆的河沟内拖出来的行为得到了赞誉。The keepers' bravery was praised after they dragged the 32-year-old out of a moat for the animals.

白色的鸭也似有一点烦躁了,有不洁的颜色的都市的河沟里传出它们焦急的叫声。Even the white ducks seemed a little unsettled, their anxious cries rising from the dirty city stream.

一次,唐区长带着一个排的战士和地方武装的民兵,顺着河沟踩着水,摸到了古龙山下的一座庙前。One day, he led a platoon and some local militiamen along a stream to a temple at the foot of Gulong Mountain.

沙河沟桥是山东聊城首座采用锚喷混凝土加固的双曲拱桥。Shahegou bridge is a double arch bridge in Shandong Liaocheng city that firstly use anchor spray cement concrete to reinforce.

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原来,当地人学会开挖河沟,并连接成庞大的排洪系统,同时加高了土地,使作物根部保持在入侵的海水上方。They did this by digging huge networks of drainage channels and raising their fields so that roots sat above intruding seawater.

白色的鸭也似有一点烦躁了,有不洁的颜色的都市的河沟里传出它们的焦急分叫声。White ducks have also become somewhat impatient. Some are sending out irritated quacks from the turbid waters of an urban creek.

大年初四,生生累得滚进河沟里,那女婿就在旁边站着,也不说拉一把。Is big the starting of the year four, alive tired have to roll into river trench, that son-in-law nearby stands, don't say to pluck 1 as well.

洛门镇响河沟泥石流给当地人民生命财产、交通安全构成了一定威胁。Local people's lives and property and traffic safety have been threatened by the developed debris flow hazards in the Xianghegou River of Luomen Town.

泥石流发生是灾害性降雨过程和流域内不稳定的松散物产状与制约水、沙输移的河沟条件所决定的。Debris flow occurrence is determined by the follow factors calamitous rainstorm, unstable loose material state of valley and water-sand restrict condition.

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最初在野外进行,跨越的障碍是树枝、河沟,各障碍间的距离也长短不一,19世纪中叶开始在跑道上进行。Initially in the field, leap obstacles branches, rivers, the distance between the obstacles also vary in length, beginning in the mid-19th century on the runway.

西洛四优系在淳化泥河沟试区生长健壮,发育良好,高接树冠恢复快。Good growth development and quick recovery of hight grafting on the crown of 4 plus clones of Xiluo walnuts has been observed in Nihegou test region, Cunhua county.

又运用线性规划法,制定了该流域的经济发展规划,认为在泥河沟流域应优先大力发展林果业。Economical developing plan was made by linear programming. It is suggest that forestry and fruit trees should be given priority to the development in Nihegou valley.

大约是童子军的缘故罢,我们钓鱼的场所,除了赤水河以外,有时还喜欢跑到小镇周围的一些小河沟去钓。About Boy Scout's sake stop, we have fishing places, in addition to other Chishui River, and sometimes like to go around town to go fishing for a number of small brook.

男孩长身体的时候,勤劳的母亲常用周日休息时间去县郊农村河沟里捞些鱼来给孩子们补钙。Boy’s body a long time, hard-working mothers used the time to rest Sunday in the rural county in rural areas, fishing some rivers to fish for children calcium supplements.

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男孩长身体的时候,勤劳的母亲常用周日休息时间去县郊农村河沟里捞些鱼来给孩子们补钙。Boy’s body a long time, hard-working mothers used the time to rest Sunday in the rural county in rural areas, fishing some rivers to fish for children calcium supplements.

上游沟槽开挖纵坡率因依据河沟地质状况决议,以包管土体不致滑移。The upper stream groove open to dig a vertical slope rate because of according to the river ditch geology circumstance decision, with assurance soil body unlikely slippery move.

那时候,小河沟还是纯天然的,水是那么的清澈,旁边花草繁茂,而且可以清楚得看到各种各样的鱼儿在川流不息的小河里快活得穿梭着。At that time, the stream was so natural that the water was very crystal-clear so you can see all kinds of the fish swim through this flowing stream with the blooming trees and flowers beside.