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柿饼是黎城县特色土产之一。Dried persimmon is one of the characteristic local products in Licheng.

柿饼节毫无疑问是所有感官的飨宴。Without a doubt, the Persimmon Festival is a feast for all of the senses.

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新鲜柿子可以做成柿饼,在阴凉干燥的环境下,可以保存六个月。Dried persimmon, however, can be consumed for six months if kept away from sunshine and damp.

第三部分主要研究了柿饼加工中抑制褐变的关键技术。The inhibiting technologies against browning in dried persimmon were researched in part three.

分析了影响柿饼保质期的主要因素,并提出了延长柿饼保质期的措施。Introduces the chief factors which affect the Guarantee period, put forward some measures to prolong it.

我亲爱的小弟弟对柿饼情有独钟,已经等不及煮粥了。My dear little brother had eyes only for persimmon pies and he was too anxious to wait for the porridge.

五井镇是传统的柿子生产基地,生产的柿饼以大、软、透、甜畅销海内外。Wujing Town is a traditional persimmon production base with the persimmon being large, soft, ripe and sweet.

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柿子除鲜食外,多干制成柿饼,亦称柿桃,可用作点心馅。In addition to fresh persimmons , made more dry persimmon, also known as persimmon peach, can be used as dessert filling.

综述了柿子脱涩方法和柿饼加工的有关技术。This text introduced that the methods of removing puckery for persimmon and the processing techniques of dried persimmon.

这百株柿树,年产柿子10多万公斤,所加工的柿饼远销海外。Persimmon trees that produce more than 10 million kilograms of persimmon, the persimmon are exported overseas for processing.

柿吸附与解吸等温线是指导干制柿饼及其产品贮藏的重要依据。Sorption and desorption isotherms of persimmons are an important basis directing the dry-making of dried persimmons and the storage system.

本文研究了柿饼霉变的主要微生物及其生物学特性和柿饼防霉技术。In this paper, main microorganisms causing mouldness of dride persimmon and their bionomics and measurements of preventing persimmon mildew were investigated.

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柿饼生产过程中,包含削皮、去梗、修蒂、乾燥、捻压、包装等加工程序,加工流程中乾燥所需时间最长,也是柿饼品质最重要的关键程序。Processes of persimmon production consist of peeling, stemming, drying, and packaging. Long duration is required for drying to have a best quality of persimmon.

结果表明,柿饼加工时,柿饼的褐变程度与脱涩方法、干制工艺、护色处理以及包装方式等有关。The results show that browning degree of dried persimmons were related with deastringent methods, dried technologies, color protection processing and packaging.

此外乾燥室内的最大温差约在2~4℃之间,表示乾燥系统的温度分布相当均匀,亦即热风气流均匀,所以能够达到柿饼品质均一的目的。In addition, the maximum temperature difference in the drier was in a range of 2-4℃, indicating that the airflow in the drying was uniform, thus the uniform quality of persimmon could be obtained.