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他已在商界取得立足之地。He has gained a footing in the commercial world.

中国武术在好莱坞已有立足之地。Chinese martial art comes together with Hollywood.

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在中国获得钢铁生产的立足之地困难重重。Getting a production toehold in China has been frustrating.

巴基斯坦人不能允许激进分子在那里有一个真正的立足之地。They cannot allow these guys to have a real toehold in that area.

那些新人正是利用这种时机闯进来,取得立足之地的。It is just at such times that new people pushin and get a footing.

在这点上,我们发现我们的微架构也是没有立足之地的。What we have found is that our micro-architectures are also no islands.

为什么有那么多无法得到工作或在大学找到立足之地的青少年呢?Why are so many young people unable to get a job or a place at university?

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在欧洲,基于种族或民族的歧视是没有立足之地的。Discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin or race has no place in Europe.

因为这些指甲般大小的芯片,台北已在世界上找到立足之地。Taipei has found its place in the world because of these fingernail-sized chips.

悲剧不在于我们来到了这个世上,而在于你们的世界里没有我们的立足之地。The tragedy is not that we're here, but that your world has no place for us to be.

我们频道追求高质量的谈话,像这种评论在我们的节目中是没有立足之地的。We strive for a high level of discourse and comments like these have no place on our air.

你们会觉得像我这样笨的人在竞争极为激烈的互联网上是没有立足之地的。You’d think a chump like me wouldn’t stand a chance in the hyper competitive online world.

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今天,我们必须宣布,这种暴力和不宽容的行为在我们联合国决无立足之地。Today, we must declare that this violence and intolerance has no place among our United Nations.

而结果却是,甚至像冯女士有这样高技能的职业女性才能勉强的获得立足之地。The result is that even highly qualified candidates like Ms. Feng can struggle to find a footing.

认为条件句结构的两个分句属于并列结构的分析没有立足之地。Through analysing , we believe that conditional structures being coordinated clauses cannot stand by itself.

哈巴斯现在希望能够借埃及的停火倡议,重新在加沙获得一块立足之地。They are now hoping that the Egyptian cease-fire initiative will serve as a vehicle to regain a foothold there.

随着油价的飙升及主要航空公司增加国际航班,这些小公司都渐无立足之地。With soaring fuel costs and major airlines adding international flights, these niche carriers couldn't compete.

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其结果是,我们正在创造一个“迷惘的一代”年轻人,得不到一份工作,或者在大学里找不到立足之地。The result is we are creating a "Lost Generation" of young people who cannot get a job or a place at university.

更糟的是,他一进入仅有立足之地的马桶就吐了。To make matters worse, Mr Berntsen Larsen quickly threw up after entering the tank, which was standing room only.

如果他们愿意跨过红标线并进屋御寒,就应当有一块立足之地。If they are willing to accept the red lines and come in from the cold, there has to be a place for them,” he said.