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这位将军被免去了军阶。The general was stripped of his rank.

邮件再次声明,免去赵鹏等4人的职务。The mail reiterates that the 4 are fired.

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电话不但能免去走路之劳,而且还能节约大量时间。Telephones save the feet and endless amounts of time.

免去刘维佳的山西省副省长职务。Guo Yingguang was appointed Vice Governor of Shanxi Province.

我能免去今年的常规体格检查吗?Can I be exempt from the regular physical examination this year?

你的到来使我免去了写一封长信的麻烦。Your craning relieves me of the bother of writing a long letter.

1937年1月,波斯蒂谢夫被免去基辅党委书记一职。Postyshev was removed as Kiev party secretary in January of 1937.

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这样将免去人类冒生命的危险,造价也会便宜得多。This would eliminate the risk to human beings and be much cheaper.

免去黄伯云的中南大学校长职务。Zhang Yaoxue was appointed of President of Central South University.

如果使用一个高效的脱水系统,就可以免去大部份的处理费用。Much of this cost can be avoided, however, with a good dewatering system.

但最重要的,我们的学生都很守规矩,让他免去许多的麻烦。Most importantly, girls are law-abiding, which frees him from many troubles.

保守党依然在悼念撒切尔,而且对于免去她的职位觉得不应该。The Tories are still in mourning for her and feel guilty about deposing her.

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结婚大办酒席,实在可以免去了。The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with.

早晨的常规活动也可以帮你免去忙乱之忧快些出门。A morning routine can also help you get out the door faster with little fuss.

这个计划为你的教育wiki免去了使用局限和广告。This plan removes usage limits and advertisements for your educational wikis.

花边、窗幔、流苏、窗帘框可统统免去。Casing of curtain of lacy, window, tassel, curtain can be discharged completely.

他被免去了总经理的职务,失去了显赫的地位。As stripped off the post of general-manager, he has lost his noted social status.

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另一方面,客家人有了勤劳善良的少数民族做贤内助,免去了许多后顾之优。On the other hand, with the minorities at home, Hakka are relieved of much worry.

这些都可以让你在书桌前做生意而免去飞行的烦恼。These are so good that you can conduct business from your desk instead of flying.

我可以免去虚言客套来说一句,我们这一次小小的宴会真是再快乐不过了。I may say, without false modesty, that our little entertainment was most successful.