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我们不妨从的发育阶段入手。We learn from development.

咱们客岁入手下手做那工作的。We began to do that job last year.

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它们只能从元数据入手。They only have metadata to work from.

他十五岁入手下手学道。He started to learn the 15-year-old Road.

他可以从营销成本降低这一点入手。He could start with the marketing savings.

这个HTML指导是你入手的好地方。This HTML tutorial is a good place to start.

振锋转向曹老板入手,但曹老板已不知所终。Back to the boss of cao, but cao boss have go.

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矿工们往往从矿源较丰富的地方入手。Miners dig in the better parts of mines first.

从家谱入手是一个良好的开端。A good place to start is with your family tree.

其次,从吴歌西曲的创作风格入手。Secondly, from the writing style of"Wuge Xiqu".

校园服务建设一般从一卡通入手。Campus services is started from one-campus-ID card.

第一节从谶言的主要表现形式入手。Section from the Chenyan of the main form of start.

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从高级概念性的和可视化设计入手。Start with high-level conceptual and visual design.

从一个小问题或小烦恼入手,去解决它们。Pick one small problem or irritation and resolve it.

这里,我将从他是无辜的这一原则入手。I start out here from the principle of his innocence.

很明显,“想法”这个词我们的理解应从它的本义去入手。Obviously the word must be taken in its proper sense.

我先正从路德维希·冯·米塞斯和弗里德里克·哈耶克他们那入手。I'm starting with Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek.

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我们甚至连他的代号都不清楚。在这种情况下,我们从何入手呢?We don't even know his code name. So where do we start?

无论如何,我们来到官赫尔曼广场入手,中华民国国旗。Anyway, we went to Justin Herman Plaza toting ROC flags.

制定计划要从调查研究入手。To work out a plan, one has to start with investigation.