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她生理上一切正常。She's a-okay physically.

这里是生理功能产生。Over here we've got body.

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这是一种生理疾病。This is a physiological condition.

这些生理小种还可以进一步再分。The races can be further subdivided.

这些都是生理功能。Call those things the bodily functions.

一个主要问题是麻烦的生理构造。One major problem is our pesky anatomy.

以生理周期为基础,她每天都阴晴不定。She changes every day based on her cycle.

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这在生理功能上有什么意义呢?What does this mean in terms of function?

生理上,我残喘着直到不能再动弹。Physically, I puked until I couldn't move.

自体受精不能分离纯合的生理小种。Homozygous races do not segregate on selfing.

因此女人任由她生理的摆布。So the woman was at the mercy of her physiology.

是生理功能还是人格功能呢?Is it body functioning or personality functioning?

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一些生理决定论也源自于这儿。And some real biological determinism comes in here.

尿床可能有多种生理原因。Enuresis can have a number of physiological causes.

打灰机是生理上得满足还是精神的支持!?。Handjob is physical or spiritual support to meet! ?

你的窘事,不论是心理上的,与人交际上的,还是生理上的Pratfalls, be they mental, interpersonal, &physical

这意味着无论是感情上还是生理上都不再紧抓不放。This means no clutching, emotionally or physically.

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ZB群菌株分化最大,共出现了14个生理小种。ZB group differentiated greatly including 14 races.

谈恋爱,对于一个人来说,是正常的生理需要。Love, for a people, is a normal physiological needs.

受伤时有好几个生理过程会发生When you get a wound several things start to happen.