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倒多少看木瓜以及野葛根的多少以及重量。How much should you see the number of papaya and Pueraria and weight.

到目前为止,野葛中的锈菌已得到证实,但大豆中的锈菌还没有得到证实。So far, rust has been confirmed in kudzu , but not on soybean plants.

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桌上可能会有野葛,他们可能会有一张欧式桌子。They might have kudzu at their table or they might have a western table.

该公司也将销售不同的野葛根,包括药丸和茶。The company also markets different Pueraria products, including pills and tea.

方法采用HPLC法测定不同生长年限的野葛块根及藤茎葛根素含量。Methods Puerarin was determined by HPLC from different growth years of Pueraria lobata.

另一种很知名的自然雌激素是泰国野葛精髓。Another very well-known natural estrogen is the essence of Thailand and Pueraria lobata.

第一,首先就是把从市场上买的野葛根、木瓜、这些都洗干净、野葛根切成片、同时木瓜也要切成片。First, the first is to buy from the market Pueraria, papaya, which are washed, sliced Pueraria, but also sliced papaya.

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为野葛花及其与枸骨叶组成的复方的开发和应用提供了理论依据。These results provide the scientific basis for the development and application of Flos Pueraria omeiensis and PL decoction.

野葛根丰胸胶囊,可以辅佐改善这种现象,由于每团体的体质差异,能够效果不一。Pueraria Breast Capsules can be assisted to improve this phenomenon, due to physical differences of each group, to mixed results.

蓝光和白光下培养的三裂叶野葛毛状根的表面呈淡绿色,而暗培养的三裂叶野葛毛状根呈淡红褐色或白色。When cultured in the white light and blue light, the hairy roots of P. phaseoloides looked light green, but white or light red-brown in the dark.

集中泰国珍稀名贵保护植物泰国黑生姜、野葛根、人参,秋葵,牡蛎,人参等。Center Thailand precious black ginger of Thailand of plant of rare rare protection, wild the root of kudzu vine, ginseng, abelmosk, ostracean, ginseng.

野葛根是在泰国和缅甸发现的植物,一直以来被山地部落人民当作传统药物运用。Pueraria mirifica, also known as Kwao Krua , is a species found in Thailand and Myanmar and has long been used by hill tribe people as a traditional medicine.

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结论薄层色谱鉴别方法简便可靠,专属性、重复性好,可作为复方野葛根胶囊的质量控制指标。ConclusionTLC is a simple, reliable and specific method with good reproducibility, and it can be used as quality control guideline for compound Pueraria lobata Capsules.

本产品选用泰国纯天然植物野葛根,野生木瓜和天然大豆为原材料,运用最新科学技术研制而成。The product selection Thailand natural wild plants Pueraria lobata, wild papaya and natural raw materials for soybeans, the use of the latest science and technology from developed.

第三,把切好的野葛根和木瓜都倒在盛自然红酒的锅中,然后盖上盖子,烧2个钟头左右,最好加点糖和番茄,然后盛出来就可以了!Thellord, to cut down Pueraria and papaya are the natural wine pot in Sheng, and then close the lid, and burning about 2 hours, preferably some sugar and tomatoes, and Sheng out of it!

本实验以加工淀粉后的湖南岳阳野葛残渣为原材料,采用酶法和化学法制备成DF,通过动物实验探讨不同加工方法的葛根DF的保健功能。The function was investigated with the Pueraria dregs from which starch had been separated and DF processed by enzyme-method and chemical-method, using test materials of Kudzu plucked in YueYang.

采用正交试验、单因子试验和植物组织培养方法,探讨几种因子对野葛块根组织脱分化与再分化的影响。The effects of several factors on dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of Pueraria lobata earthnut were investigated by orthogonal experiment, single factor experiment and plant tissue culture.