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孤城杨柳晚来蝉。Isolated city willow late to cicadas.

经过长时间的包围,这座孤城被迫投降。After a long siege, the town was forced to yield.

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我在一座孤城,等待一个旧人的到来。I am in a city, waiting for the arrival of an old.

中有千千结,心如孤城闭。There are thousands of nodes, such as close at heart.

死亡的乌云笼罩着奥兰这座孤城。A dark cloud of death covers the isolated city of Oran.

叶孤城虽稍胜半筹,仍故意相让。Leaf gu city is slightly wins, still intentionally crasher half raise.

遥望你用文字砌起的孤城,心中满是疼痛和怜惜。Looking to the language you use both the rise of the isolated city, hearts full of pain and pity.

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龙龙九回朝复命,在刑部遇上气势逼人之剑圣叶孤城来访。Order, in nine back toward the outreach meets the momentum series visit leaf gu city if the blademaster threatening.

原来叶孤城命人假扮自己与西门吹雪比剑,自己却去行刺皇上,要自立为王。The original leaf gu city life people disguised as yourself with Simon blowing snow than the sword, they go to assassinate the emperor, stands for the king.

根据密函中的指示,我们在暗中瓦解了曲源城的防御,不出三四日那里就是一座孤城。According to the nomination in the secretly jot, we are in the defense namely secretly broke up melody source metropolis, no the 34th namely a Gu metropolis there.