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注射毒针最终害死了他。The needle finally killed him.

为什么需要两次注射?Why are two injections needed?

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是谁给我注射了这一针?Who had given me the injection?

注射针头刺入他的前臂。A needle was thrust into his arm.

注射成型调整的TPU柄。Injection-molded tuned TPU shank.

注射针真的就那么好吗…Is the needle a much better screw?

他注射了一针宁比泰。He administered a shot of Nembutal.

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你会注射那种疫苗吗Would you like to get that vaccine?

他将伤口用注射筒灌洗,清洗了一遍。He syringed and irrigated the wound.

后来,廖凤又开始注射毒品。Later, Liao Feng began injecting drug.

你是来这注射A型肝炎预防针的吗?So you're here for a hepatitis A shot?

医生让我注射调治。The doctor cwisled to get an injection.

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好,现在注射完了。痛不痛?There, I'm finished now. Did I hurt you?

图4显示了注射磁盘阵列。Figure 4 shows a disk array of injectors.

他将要帮我们解决注射-阻断。He's going to help us with shot-blocking.

目前原核注射工作仍在紧张进行中。The microinjection work is still going on.

采用肌肉注射复方氯胺酮进行麻醉。The rabbits were anesthetized by ketamine.

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建议进行类毒素强化注射。Toxoid booster injections are recommended.

曾经注射毒品是感染HIV最危险的因素。IDU is the riskiest factor for HIV infected.

枪骑兵和舞者经过一次被投毒的注射。Lancers and dancers pass a poisoned syringe.