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堕胎是应该受诅咒的罪恶。Abortion is an abominable sin.

堕胎从道德上讲合乎情理吗?Is abortion morally defensible?

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赞成堕胎的团体表示他们夸大了事实。Pro-choice groups say they exaggerate.

医生只得给孕妇堕胎。The doctor had to abort the pregnancy.

怎样看待性别选择性堕胎?。What Do You Think of Sex-selection Abortion?

她知道向谁去打听找一个为人堕胎的。She knew who to ask about finding an abortionist.

堕胎,不仅是一个生命的消失,对女。An abortion not only extinguishes a life, it also.

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正是在这一点时,奥比安排堕胎。It is at this point when Obi arranges an abortion.

反堕胎的议员们要把这上限降到22至20周。Pro-life MPs want the limit cut to 22 or 20 weeks.

在伊州,极为普遍的堕胎问题非常难处理。In Illinois, as is true everywhere, abortion vexes.

这个细胞库遭到了反堕胎组织的谴责。The cell bank was condemned by anti-abortion groups.

Taylor被逮捕,罪名是非法堕胎未遂。Taylor was arrested on charges of attempted feticide.

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绝大多数未满18岁就怀孕的女孩子选择了堕胎手术。Most pregnancies among girls under 18 end in abortion.

宾夕法尼亚州其他很多反堕胎的民主党人也是如此。So did a lot of other pro-life Democrats in the state.

如果女性决定堕胎,会发生什么事呢?What happens when a woman chooses to have an abortion?

许多共和党人认为,不应该让堕胎合法化。Many Republicans believe abortions should not be legal.

他们开展了强有力的鼓动工作以争取妇女堕胎权。They vigorously agitated for women's right to abortion.

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在反堕胎人士来看,现在的法律在道德上太宽松了。To ardent pro- lifers , the law today is immorally lax.

对于新制定的禁止堕胎国家律法,妇女们激烈地。The woman were up in arms acres the new antiabortion law.

妇女们激烈地抗议新制定的禁止堕胎法律。The women were up in arms about the new antiabortion law.