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你有去过我的打铁铺吗?Have you been to my armory?

我想你爹一定是个打铁的。I bet your father must be a blacksmith.

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第二天云狂醒来,见到了在院里打铁的乐儿。The second day cloud mania wake up, see in the yard LeEr.

那还不如用大铁锤打铁砧。It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge hammer.

他曾学习打铁,但几乎没有接受过正规教育。He learned some blacksmithing but had very little formal education.

在周淑钧父亲手下做打铁的学徒时,吴伯鸿与周淑钧相爱。As an apprentice ironing of Zhou Shujun's father, he fell in love with Zhou.

大约二十多年前,软件工程业被比喻成旧时代的打铁。Around 20 years ago software engineering was compared to old-time blacksmithing.

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我记得乔在打铁时,总喜欢断断续续地哼一首歌,歌中的叠句反复唱着“老克莱门”。There was a song Joe used to hum fragments of at the forge, of which the burden was Old Clem.

我伏在乔宽大的肩头上,胸中的心在怦怦地跳着,真像铁匠打铁时的铁锤声。With my heart thumping like a blacksmith at Joe's broad shoulder, I looked all about for any sign of the convicts.

现在的越王山上还有乾坤石、面壁岩、古寨门、打铁场等遗迹。Now the promoted the mountain and attribute of stone, side wall rocks, the ancient village gate, iron fields relics.

现在,像要乘热打铁似的,传来了中国的高速野心已经向它的边界外扩展的消息。Now, as if to further stoke the fires, comes news that the country's high-speed ambitions extend beyond its borders.

当球队里有那么多球员都是比他更好的射手时,真的找不到理由让他一直这么浪投打铁。You can't make the argument that he should keep jacking up shots when the rest of the team is shooting better than him.

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他们以打铁为生,既不向官府纳粮缴税,也不依附于土匪势力,过着自己的生活。They live with iron shop, neither to pay taxes to pay tax, nor the rulers have attached the bandits forces, with his life.

朱打铁通知李彪,是林振海叮嘱本人等着李彪,将麻三的尸体交给李彪,给他一个交代。Zhu strike while the iron is LinZhenHai nag, notify LiBiao I wait for LiBiao, bring the three bodies to LiBiao, gave him an account.

为了不伤害李彪,林振海决议让朱打铁躲藏一段时间,让本人的两个兄弟都有个台面下。In order not to hurt LiBiao, LinZhenHai resolution let zhu timbewolves hide a period of time and let my two brothers have a mesa falls.

独有的进料破碎结构,可很方便地实现“石打石”和“石打铁”的转换,既可破碎又可整形。The unique feeding crushing structure, can be easily realization "stone dozen stone" and "stone iron" conversion, can be broken and plastic.

晚上,他们在这里,通过从农舍里拿来的书籍,学习打铁、木工和其他必要的技能。Here, in the evenings, they studied black-smithing, carpentering and other necessary arts from books which they had brought out of the farmhouse.

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就我现在所能想起的,她对我们打铁这个行业的一切专门术语、活计名称以及各种工具都了如指掌。For, I called to mind now, that she was equally accomplished in the terms of our trade, and the names of our different sorts of work, and our various tools.

在上半场萨尔蒙斯拿下18分,罗斯拿下14分,但是在最后湖人突然加强了防守的情况下,他们连续不断的听到投篮打铁的声音。Salmons scored 18 points in the first half, Rose had 14, and both came up with eye-popping baskets in the final minute as the Bulls stalled a mini-spurt by the Lakers.

骑马、射箭、荡秋千、扎风筝、印年画、打铁、织布等参与性项目令游客乐不可支,流连忘返。Horse riding, archery, swing, made kites, printing pictures, Blacksmithing, weaving and other participatory project tourists be overwhelmed with joy, indulge in pleasures without stop.