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现在,我激情洋溢的生活着。I’m now living my passion.

她是个才华洋溢的设计师。She is a talented designers.

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空气里洋溢着一片轻松愉快的气氛。A brisk gayety was in the air.

我的弟弟才华洋溢。My brother has multiple talents.

这就是导演才华洋溢的地方。Such is the talent of the director.

而他才华洋溢的消息也自此传了开来。News of his talent spread after that.

激情洋溢,充满活力,热力四射。Exude Passion, Energy, and Enthusiasm.

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舞厅里洋溢着友好的气氛。The dance hall dripped with good will.

他总是洋溢着热情。He is always overflown with enthusiasm.

大厅里洋溢着热情友好的气氛。The hall effuses warmth and hospitality.

米奇的家里洋溢着快乐的歌声.Mickey's house is full of joyous singing.

村里洋溢著圣诞节的欢乐气氛。The village rang with the joy of Christmas.

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莫札特有一个才华洋溢的音乐家父亲。Mozart had a talented musician for a father.

tfboys是个青春洋溢的歌唱组合。Tfboys is a young and full of singing group.

你的自信将再次自由洋溢。Your self confidence will again flow freely.

男孩子们看到了我由于儿子被接受而洋溢出的喜悦之情。The boys saw my joy at my son being accepted.

在巴黎凡高的作品变得更加青春洋溢。Van Gogh’s work became more youthful in Paris.

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这是一部洋溢着革命气慨的激动人心的文献。It was a stirring document imbued with heroism.

多拉度完蜜月回来幸福洋溢。Dora returned from her honeymoon deliriously happy.

太多的花,即使每朵洋溢着春意?Too many flowers, though each shall crown the year?