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同义词,反义词,同形同音异义词专业词典。Scholastic Dictionary of Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms.

在中国,数字的同音含有深刻的含义。In Chinese society, the homonyms of numbers hold deep meaning.

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第三节阐释了多义现象以及多义和同音的关系等。The third talks about polysemy and its relation to homonymy , etc.

林解释道,中文里,“鱼”和“余”同音。The Chinese word for fish sounds like the word for abundance, says Lum.

中文中的“糕”和“高”同音,所以吃糕也就代表了登高的意义。The Chinese word for cake is Gao, a homonym of the Chinese word for high.

它可分为一词多义双关、同音异义双关、仿拟双关、语法双关等。It can be divided into polysemy pun, homonym parody pun, pun, grammar pun, etc.

这是一种建立在原始“同音异义”关系上的研究方法。This is a kind of research method based upon the primitive"homophonic"relations.

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由于“碎”与“祟”同音,取新春开始驱除邪祟的意思。Due to "break" and "was" unisonant, take XieSui spring began to dispel the meaning.

同音异义词指的是读音相同而词义却相异的单词。Homonym is a word that is pronounced like another but which has a different meaning.

我们应该采取积极的对策解决现代汉语中的同音误用问题。Homonym problem was put forward in the course of Chinese reform of a writing system.

我们考察发现虚化和同音假借是连词的主要来源。We conclude that grammaticalization and loan homonym are the main source of conjunction.

另外,相对意义频率在同音歧义词歧义消解过程中有其影响。Third, the processes of meaning access of homophones was influenced by meaning frequency.

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同源通用与同音借用是两种不同的用字现象。The origianal and interchangeable characters were quite different from the loan characters.

我们应该采取积极的对策解决现代汉语中的同音误用问题。We should adopt active measures to solve the homonyms misuse problems in the modern Chinese.

年糕的同音就是“一年更比一年高”,象征着人们的生活一年更比一年好。Nian Gao is a homonym for "higher each year" and symbolizes improvement in life, year by year.

可是,要想取个好名字,只跟原名同音可是不够的。Still, finding a good name involves more than coming up with clever homonyms to the original English.

“鱼”与“余”同音,有“富贵有余”、“连年有余”的美好含义。"Fish" and " surplus "are homonymic in Chinese, means "rich and have a surplus "in the successive years.

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词典有必要也有可能对已为学术界认定的同音同形词作出分立条目的处理。Homonyms recognized by academic circles must be and can be divided into different entries in the dictionary.

它还允许我们拿一个已定词类的单词,造出一个同音异义且不同类的词。It also allows us to take a word of a given category and form a new homophonous word of a different category.

但论文汇总却满是可笑的错误,当然,语言中有很多同音异义词,而拼写检查总将词拼成另一个。It's full of howlers because of course the language is full of homonyms and spell check always gives the wrong word.