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但是他自有妙计。But there is still hope.

鹅毛扇这么一扇,一个妙计涌上心头。E Mao as a fan, a Miaoji mind.

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齐铁嘴听后,便心生妙计。JiTie mouth after listen to, and mind.

我有一条妙计,不知你忍得住痛吗?I have a coup, I wonder if we resist you hurt?

嗯,我还真不信。那你的妙计是什么啊?Oh, really? And what would that ace be exactly?

现在就让范冰冰晒晒她的保湿妙计吧!Let Fan Bingbing sun drying moisture coup of her bar!

就是在这一刻,巴德先生想出了他的妙计。It was at this moment that Mr. Budd had his Great Idea.

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不过有时候就是会事与愿违,所以我还有很多其它的妙计。So I have a number of other tricks up my sleeve, as well.

她总是乐于尝试,总是试图用妙计来取得成功。She is always experimenting, always attempting the coup d’eclat.

终于,老狐狸想出了一条抓小红母鸡的妙计。At last the old Fox thought up a way to catch the little Red Hen.

因此,我的朋友高令斯就替我想了一个小小的妙计。My friend Collins, therefore, undertook to manage a little for me.

不过,也许即使是奇策妙计也不足以挽回损失。But even smarter tactics might not be enough to regain lost ground.

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他和羊群混在一起吃草,用这个妙计骗过了牧羊人。He pastured with the flock, beguiling the shepherd by his artifice.

有时候我们的经验和妙计会有效,但有更多时候它们会让我们失望。Sometimes our experience and nostrums work, but more often they fail us.

什么样的小妙计或许能使一些人的生活或者工作有点小起色呢?What little tweaks might make someone’s life or job a little bit easier?

我们中的一个人想出一条妙计—让他服点可待因药,于是立即减轻了他的咳嗉。One of us got the bright idea of giving him some codeine , which soothed the cough at once.

经济增长的大部分原因还在于务实的经济自由主义,而非中国的奇谋妙计。And much of that growth is a product of hard-nosed liberal economics rather than any magic Chinese touch.

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如果你想提高人气,或者得到其他人的访问,通常的话,更加经常地更新你的博客是一条妙计。If you want to getlots of traffic, or visits from other people, more frequent updates aregenerally a good idea.

他们找出了干扰听觉的漏音路径,并进一步想出一个妙计来消除它。The engineers identified the bothersome cross-talk pathways and invented an ingenious system for eliminating them.

若任一对手操控山脉,并且你操控平原,则你不需支付其魔法力费用,便可以使用西薇的妙计。If an opponent controls a mountain and you control a plains, you may play Sivvi's Ruse without paying its mana cost.