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此时已经是梅雨季节了吧。This time already was the rainy season.

六月的无锡,正是梅雨季节。The June is a rainy season of the year in Wuxi.

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梅雨季节东西容易发霉。Things easily get mildewed in the rainy season.

在梅雨季节时我搭公车去上学。I go to school by bus during the plum-rain season.

在梅雨季节时你怎麽去上学?How do you go to school during the plum-rain season?

梅雨季节经常有一种闷不透气的感觉?Does plum rains season often have a kind to feel airtightly frowzily ?

跟住星期三,气象厅宣布了梅雨结束了。And yesterday, the Meteorological Agency announced that the rainy season ended.

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梅雨期暴雨量集中在淮河流域、洪泽湖周边及里下河地区,但2003年梅雨总量却大于2006年。But the total precipitation of Meiyu period in 2003 was more than that in 2006.

杭州随着一个不规则的梅雨季节的结束,已受到了热浪的控制。Hangzhou has been embraced by the heat wave since an untipical plum rain season ended.

锋生锋消对于梅雨锋附近有无降水起到了重要的作用。Frontogenesis and frontolysis have decisive effect on the precipitation near Meiyu front.

最后,提出了典型梅雨锋暴雨系统的物理概念模型。Lastly, a physic conceptual model is advanced for the typical Meiyu frontal rainstorm system.

昨日上午珊珊来迟的“梅雨”,消除了人们对可能发生干旱的忧虑。Worries over a possible drought eased with the belated arrival of the "plum rains" yesterday morning.

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因当时正处于梅雨季节,空气比较潮湿,我们已经进行抽湿处理。Because at that time is in the rainy season, the air is humid, we have conducted dehumidifying treatment.

扶轮社员透过雨水的获得以保存珍贵的梅雨季节的雨水。In the arid hills of India's west coast, Rotarians conserve precious monsoon rains through water harvesting.

冲下楼后才发现,外头一片灰蒙蒙的景象,竟有点那种久违了的梅雨季节的味道。After I rushed to the downstairs, i found that an overcast outside, the scene was a bit flavor of the rainy season.

长江中下游梅雨是我国夏季雨带活动的一个重要组成部分,梅雨量的丰枯直接与江淮地区旱涝灾害的形成和持续有关。The Meiyu over the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River is a important part of summer rainfall in China.

研究结果揭示了梅雨初期环流特征形成的机理与热力结构因素。The forming mechanism of circulation features and thermal structure factors at the first period of Meiyu are revealed.

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统计结果表明,这个指数组对梅雨与华北雨季有天气气候学意义。Statistical results show that there is prominent significance of these index with Meiyu and rainy season of North China.

初步分析了梅雨气候区雨量的年际变化及气候振动的事实。A preliminary analysis is done of the annual variations in rainfall in the Meiyu-climate regions and climatic oscillations.

为避免套管在梅雨和低温季节介损值回升,应在特殊季节对工艺适当调整。In order to prevent the loss from rising again, it is necessary to change some technology properly in high humidity seasons.