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我们都是时间的殉葬品。We are all sarifical objects for time.

你这样做简直就是在做旧制度的殉葬品。What you are doing is burying yourself alive with the old system.

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年长的男子的殉葬品有玉器琥珀项圈手镯,珍珠饰品。The older man was buried with jade and amber collars and bracelets and pearl ornaments.

据推测,许多埋宝藏和殉葬品陪同皇帝在他之后的生活。It is speculated that many buried treasures and sacrificial objects had accompanied the emperor in his after life.

据传真迹随着唐太宗李世民寿终而成了殉葬品,再也没有人见到过。It is said that the authentic work was buried with Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and was never seen again.

作为清王朝的守护人,逆历史清流而动,最终沦为王权倾轧拼杀的殉葬品。As the shield of the Qing dynasty, he doesn't keep abreast with the trend of the history and ends up with being the victim in the dispute of imperial power.

此处,那些埃及人的昂贵殉葬品,事实确凿是为了他们到达来世后,在那里也可以毫不困难地继续在今生的职业。Furthermore, the expensive ornaments buried with the Egyptians helped them reach the afterlife, where they continued their current job without any hardships.

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古代实行人殉,奴隶是奴隶主生前的附属品,奴隶主死后奴隶要为奴隶主陪葬,是殉葬品。The ancient practice of people died for the slave is the slave owners alive accessories, master slave for slave burial after death, is the sacrificial lambs.

但是,在东汉政权灭亡之际,弘农杨氏不能顺应形势的变化,他们与以曹操为首的新的政治势力发生冲突,最终成为东汉政权的殉葬品,从而丧失家族发展的机会。They conflicted with the new political power of Cao Cao, which made them become the prey of the Eastern Han Dynasty and lose the opportunity of the family"s development."

也许我们只是时间消费的筹码,活了一世不过是为那一世的岁月充当殉葬品,根本不会想到快乐。Probably, we are nothing but the counters of time consumption, living a life but to be the funerary objects of the time of life, and happiness does not occur to our mind at all.

也许我们只是时间消费的筹码,活了一世不过是为那一世的岁月充当殉葬品,根本不会想到快乐。Perhaps we are nothing but chips for the consumption of time, live our lives only to serve as the burial objects for the time and tide between, and not in the least should we think of delight.