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家庭使用固体燃料产生的室内烟雾。indoor smoke from household use of solid fuels.

他们已把固体燃料转变成天然气。They have converted from solid fuel to natural gas.

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这些固体燃料可能是成本最低的燃料。These solid fuels may be the least costly fuels available.

在足以点燃固体燃料的高温中,HTP就是这样反应的。And it does so at a high enough temperature to ignite the solid fuel.

闪闪发亮的白色战神I-X的核心是一个巨型固体燃料火箭推进器。The gleaming white Ares I-X, at its core, is a giant solid rocket booster.

目前它是世界上最大的还在使用固体燃料的发电厂。And nowadays it is the world’s biggest power station working on the solid fuel.

这些探测仪通常应用于检测航天飞机的固体燃料。These scanners are usually used to inspect the space shuttle’s solid fuel rockets.

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用固体燃料的现代锅炉,一般太大都,不便于用人工添煤。Modern boilers which employ solid fuels are generally too large for manual operation.

为验证计算结果,设计并建成了固体燃料冲压发动机实验系统。To verify the calculation results, a SFRJ test system has been designed and established.

用神经网络技术对固体燃料冲压动机的燃速辨识问题进行了研究。The neural network is adopted to study the burning rate identification of the solid fuel ramjet.

然而我的理解是,“混合动力”火箭引擎同时使用固体燃料和液态或气态推进剂。However, from what I gather, "hybrid" rocket engines use both solid and liquid or gas propellants.

如果我们每桢重新渲染燃料数组,我们可以模拟一个挥发中的一块固体燃料。If we re-render the fuel into the array every frame, we can simulate a solid piece of evaporating fuel.

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运送瓶子,保持水温冷却都需要燃烧固体燃料增加温室气体。Transporting the bottles and keeping them cold also burns fossil fuels, which give off greenhouse gases.

大约有30亿人仍然在明火和开放式炉灶条件下使用固体燃料在家进行烹饪和取暖。Around 3 billion people still cook and heat their homes using solid fuels in open fires and leaky stoves.

涡旋燃烧炉是最近研制的一种新型固体燃料旋风燃烧炉,它采用了多级切向进风的结构。The vortex combustor is a novel cyclonic combustion technique recently developed for burning solid fuels.

对于后两者来讲,典型的研究课题是废弃塑料的热分解油化技术和固体燃料的燃烧发电技术。For the latter two, the typical topics are the pyrolysis for fuel oil and combustion for power generation.

鱼-2型是苏联RAT-52型空射、固体燃料火箭推进反舰鱼雷的一种中国仿造型。The Yu-2 is a Chinese copy of the Soviet RAT-52 air-launched, solid-fuel rocket-propelled, anti-ship torpedo.

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采用该模型对固体燃料冲压发动机超音速巡航导弹的推力平稳性和飞行稳定性进行了分析。Thrust stationarity and flight stability of the supersonic cruise missile were analyzed by means of the model.

但是远洋船只,可以通过燃烧固体燃料例如煤和木材来使用蒸汽能,将是可行的!But ocean-going ships, capable of steam power from burning solid fuel such as coal or wood, would be operational!

用此类固体燃料在明火或没有烟囱的开放炉灶上做饭和取暖导致室内空气污染。Cooking and heating with such solid fuels on open fires or stoves without chimneys leads to indoor air pollution.