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等等同类问题。Things of that nature.

我有凝结了同类一个骑兵。I'd clotted like a trooper.

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她的同类,火狐狸。Her the same variety, ruddy fox.

煤炭在化学上与金刚石属于同类。Coal is chemically allied to diamond.

我们生产的是同类中最优的产品。We want to make best-in-class products.

最前面的一波麋鹿受到惊吓突然停下脚步,但是大批的同类从后面冲过来。Startled, the front line of elk stopped.

然而谢里夫及其同类大学继续茁壮成长。Yet Sharif and its ilk continue to thrive.

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贬低同类产品的。That depreciates products of the same kind.

诺基亚还可能遭遇更多的同类问题。Nokia can expect more of the same rockiness.

该书是笔记小说史同类书中值得重视的一部。This book is worthy in the same kind of books.

同类语词典是一本拥有同义词和反义词的书。A thesaurus is a book of synonyms and antonyms.

我们寻找同类,当一切尘埃罗定,我们只是我们。When all is said and done, We're all we've got.

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还有搬家汽车等等同类事件。Moving vans, all sorts of things of that nature.

这是我听到的同类情况中绝无仅有的。It is the only case of that kind I ever heard of.

物以类聚,各种生物都爱他的同类。Like attracts like , each creature loves his kind.

卡萨尔的罗马别墅是众多同类建筑中最奢华的一个。The villa is one of the most luxurious of its kind.

成为同类产品中的第一个是成功的关键。Being first in a new category is the key to success.

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很多朊病毒类型的疾病是由同类相食所导致的。Much prion type diseases can be caused by cannibalism.

白松露是其同类中最贵的。The white truffle is the most expensive of the family.

和它的同类经济作物一样,这种烟草生长迅速、价格便宜。Like its cash-crop cousin, it’s fast-growing and cheap.