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他手气不佳。Luck goes against him.

你讨厌试手气么?Do you hate to tempt fate?

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为了好手气亲一下色子吧。Kiss the dice for good luck.

现在别叫我停,我手气正好。Dont stop me now. Im on a roll.

现在别叫我停,我手气正好。Don’t stop me now. I’m on a roll.

如今别叫我停,我手气正好。Don't stop me here. I'm on a roll.

要是你手气不好的话就会输掉他们You could lose them with a bad hand.

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麦克,明天天手气怎么样?What will the weather be like tomorrow, Mac?

我是一个老千,怎么靠手气打牌那么难赢呢?I am a good luck, how to play so hard to win?

我等不及要在麻将桌上试试我的手气了。I can't wait to test my luck at the mahjong table.

今天的手气不错',我为这家公司的工作。Today 'I'm feeling lucky' that I work for this company.

在扑克中,当你手气不好而下重注,你就是在虚张声势。In poker, you bluff when you bet heavily on a poor hand.

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好啊!我现在要去赌场试试我的手气。Why not! I'm going to try my luck at the casino right now.

生活不能只是手气好。生活是手气差时仍能做得好。Life is not simply holding a good hand. Life is playing a bad hand well.

玛丽老是赢牌,因为她好像总是手气好。Mary usually wins at cards because she always seems to hold a good hand.

有人认为,打麻将不需要麻将技巧,需要的是手气就行了。Playing mahjong argued, there is no need to mahjong skills, need is luck.

“手气不错”这个按钮换成了一个“投币”按钮。The "I'm Feeling Lucky" button was replaced with an "Insert Coin" button.

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假定你手气欠好,就算你掌握了多少麻将技巧。Assume that your luck owe good, even if what you have mastered mahjong skills.

我打扑克是老手了,可以玩些花样。今夜我要再去试试手气。I'm old enough to play poker and do something with it. I'll try my hand to-night.

所有人看的都要疯了,这个年轻人的手气也太好了吧?The employer sees all want to go mad, the luck of this young man likewise too favor?