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吉盖斯发现了社会主义,心情豁然开朗。Jurgis discovers socialism and gets all happy.

仰望碧天,他的心情豁然开朗。Looking up at the open sky, he suddenly cheered up.

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这最初听上去很吓人,直到你体会了背后的动机才豁然开朗。This sounds terrible, until you realize the motivation.

越过Bhamdoun之后,贝卡谷地在我们面前豁然开朗。Just after Bhamdoun, the Bekaa Valley opens up before us.

买书,阅读后豁然开朗,最重要的是学会了面对现实。Get this book, smarten up and most importantly face the reality.

切尔西和温迪也站出来揭露咪咪的阴谋,卡丁和梅南豁然开朗。Chelsea and Wendy also stand up reveal KaDing and plot, Mimi MeiNa enlightened.

我感觉自己从来没有过,那种突然间豁然开朗的时刻。I don't know that I've ever had what I would call an Ah-ha intellectual moment.

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如果你读到这里豁然开朗的话,那么你已经有清晰的意向了。If you have read this far with an open mind, you already have a clear intention.

不久,一则很小的信息将使你由茫然无知转为豁然开朗。A small piece of information will take you, soon, from ignorance to enlightenment.

停好车子信步走下环城公路,眼前的一切顿时豁然开朗。Parked the car, walking down the ring road, in front of all suddenly become clear.

全球化以飓风之势激荡中国,炎黄的天空豁然开朗。With the world economic globalization, the future of China is suddenly enlightened.

说到这里他才豁然开朗,SEO原来是从域名和空间开始学习的。Here he just be suddenly enlightened, SEO begins study from domain name and space so.

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一切都是过眼云烟。想想,不管昨天、今天、明天,能豁然开朗就是美好的一天。Think, no matter, yesterday, today and tomorrow will be suddenly enlightened is beautiful day.

你的心仿佛都洒满了银色的月光,豁然开朗起来。Seems that your heart is filled up with silver moonlight, and then you are suddenly enlightened.

有时候换一种方法来解决问题,换一个角度去看问题,就会豁然开朗。Sometimes changing a means to solve the problem, changing a way to think, it will be enlightened.

一旦变换看问题的角度,你的生活会豁然开朗,幸福快乐会接踵而来。Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective.

我们希望,借助这些令人惊异的摄影师作品,我们的读者也能豁然开朗,灵感泉涌。We hope that through these amazing photographer’s work our readers find as much as inspiration as we did.

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当我读到前第一夫人罗斯福·埃莉诺这样一句话“没有你的允许,谁也不能伤害你”时,我豁然开朗。I'd read these words by former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, "You're nobody's victim without your permission."

在这个被称为康巴什新区的地方,大道豁然开朗,交通畅行无阻,办公楼空空矗立,路上行人寥寥。Broad boulevards are unimpeded by traffic in the new district, called Kangbashi New Area. Office buildings stand vacant.

这些研究发现没法让你眼前一亮,却能让你豁然开朗——原来,人们的常识的确是有科学依据的。These researches will astound but illuminate you---in fact, the common knowledge of ordinary people are most scientific.