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我热心于我的约会。I am gung-ho about my dating.

苏阿姨是个非常热心的人。Aunt Sue is a very warm person.

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他热心地参加我们的计划。He entered our plan with zests.

理发师热心地给了这个消息。The barber gave this tip zealously.

我们热心参加这项运动。We entered into the sport with zest.

他的热心激发了大家的兴致。One of my great enthusiasms is music.

他们两人都是热心的戏剧观众。They were both enthusiastic playgoers.

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小孩们也成为热心的自愿者。Tots also turned into avid volunteers.

莫让批评的话,让我们失去热心。Do not lose heart because of criticism.

其次,应该礼貌待人,热心助人。Secondly, it should be polite, helpful.

她还是一个热心的街头滑板爱好者。She’s also an avid street skateboarder.

我做事非常热心。I approach things very enthusiastically.

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莫让批评的话,让我们失去热心。Let not criticism dampen our motivation.

这里的接待员非常热心。The receptionists here are warm-hearted.

并不热心的试图写一部小说。A halfhearted attempt at writing a novel.

他是一个热心于运动的人。He was an enthusiastic devotee of sports.

他想让你热心于我们的新项目。I want to interest you in our new project.

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缺乏知识之热心犹如脱缰之马。Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

热心的小帮手,来这里,圣诞老人?Hot little helper you got here, huh, Santa?

我是写作的最热心的侍仆。I was writing’s most devotional handmaiden.