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他的言谈闪现着智慧。His talk gleamed with wit.

她总是在言谈中不慎而吐露了隐私。She always blabs out confidences.

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有点金术的交易商稀于言谈。Traders with the golden touch do not talk.

言谈可能是银子,可“沉默是金子”。Speech may be silver but “Silence is Golden”.

他妻子对改进他举止言谈有潜移默化的影响。His wife has had a civilizing influence on him.

那位女士举止言谈优雅得体。The lady is elegant in her manners and her speech.

在许多言谈中,你们的思想几乎一半被扼杀。And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered.

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一看就知道是一个文人,喜欢运动,却不善言谈。An exact literator who likes sport but not so talkative.

诙谐是智慧的言谈,它是自我调侃,而非讽刺别人。Humor is the speech of wisdom that mocks self, not others.

言谈间,石娇发现张保仔对娣妹有意思。Speak, stone jiao found cheung Po ts ai coming on to her sister.

年轻人应该在举止及言谈上学习彬彬有礼。Young people should learn to be urbane in department and speech.

她逐渐变作一个镇定自若、言谈清晰的年轻女性。She is maturing into a self-possessed and articulate young woman.

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这种担忧就像流行病一样会传播,并通过思想、言谈传播着。That fear can be spread, like an epidemic, by mass thought and talk.

言谈中,行业领头羊们也毫不讳言各自的努力方向。Comments, industry leader who also makes no secret of their endeavors.

白天我出现在电视上的言谈节目中,晚上则回家换尿片。I appeared on TV talk shows during the day and changed diapers at night.

我的领导风格是行动先于言谈,一马当先。My style is showing leadership through exa good instead of merely words.

否则,即便是最聪明的言谈也会“导致嫉妒和厌恶”。Otherwise, even the smartest comments would "occasion envy and disgust."

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由于她言谈举止大方而可爱,许多男生感到和她聊天很爽。Because of her easy and sweet manners, many boys feel happy chatting with her.

但是近来,人们的言谈中已经流露出对于市场的力量颇感忧虑。But lately, a striking unease with market forces has entered the conversation.

不必告诉我你曾经读过什么书,我可以从你的言谈中察知。Do not tell me the books you have read, let me glean it from your conversation.