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这是表白爱情还是尽义务?Is this love, or obligation?

我要表白我的谢忱。I"d like to express my gratitude."

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他向奥琳比雅表白,并与她翩翩起舞。He declares his love and the two dance.

那时他常向她表白爱情,其实那些话全是胡扯。He often horseshits to her for his love.

这是一个有关于美好人生的表白.That is a testimony to a life well-lived.

那人仍在表白自己的无辜。The man was still professing his innocence.

你紧张得不敢当面向她表白。You're too nervous to tell her face to face.

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坦白讲,表白的确会让我感到紧张。But frankly, adoration would made me nervous.

学好英语骄傲的向世界表白!Learn English arrogantly to world vindicating!

米尔鼓励罗素向荷莉表白。Mir encouraged Russell to the Holly profession.

周母鼓励尤斌大胆表白。Week mother encourages You Bin bold profession.

他口口声声表白不知道这件事。He glibly professed his ignorance of the affair.

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他向她表白了他的痴情,说他们永不分离。He told her he loved her, and they were inseparable.

而今日你成为左第五个向我表白伽女仔。And today you became the fifth one to confess it to me !

英祖第一次向贞恩表白了爱意。The first time of yeongjo zhen grace to love vindicated.

我只不过极力表白一些刷岸的吹积。I too but signify at the utmost a little wash'd-up drift.

这是一番个性鲜明且真情流露的表白。It is, typically, a bracing statement, not without feeling.

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老郑向美兰表白自己的感情,被美兰拒绝。LaoZheng to meilan express their feelings, meilan rejected.

苏子君鼓起勇气当场对陈妍表白。SuZiJun summon up courage to ChenYan profession on the spot.

中国情人“他”对法国少女“我”的表白。Chinese valentine "he" French girl who "I" of the expression.