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她跟他咿咿呀呀地说了几句话。She babbled a few words to him.

这些声响仍然在近处咿咿呀呀。And still those voices are calling from far away.

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咿咿呀呀,在妈妈的怀里,你高兴无比。O wow, o yes, o joy, so joy right here in my arms.

让孩子知道你在听他咿咿呀呀,关心他的喜怒哀乐。Let your baby know that you hear his babbles, coos, and gurgles.

好一阵子,嘴里咿咿呀呀地挤出几个字。For a while, making baby ah to squeeze out a few words in his mouth.

他从出生起就咿咿呀呀,他现在还是说些听不懂的话。He's been babbling since he was born, and he's still speaking gibberish.

我理解你所承受的,把我从一个咿咿呀呀的婴儿培养成一个研究生。I understand what you have suffered, bring me up from a baby to a postgraduate.

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用湿漉漉的手指再酒杯的边缘摩擦,看看杯子会不会发出“咿咿呀呀”的“歌声”。See if you can make a wine glass "sing" by rubbing a wet finger around the rim.

奥巴马有很多罔顾事实的话语,可是天呐,我们就是喜欢听他咿咿呀呀地说。就是这样。Obama gets a lot of facts wrong, but gosh do we love to hear him prattle on. Such delivery.

我的朋友生了孩子。我把他的“咿咿呀呀”全部录下来,以后我可以问他自己说的什么。My friend has a baby. I'm recording all the noises he makes so later I can ask him what he meant.

许多小宝宝摇着手中价值五十美元的象牙摇铃,嘴里咿咿呀呀,彼此打着招呼。Incalculable infants wave their fifty-dollar ivory rattles in an inarticulate greeting to one another.

这童谣了咿咿呀呀说的那烧羊肉,正是“户部街马记”家的看家菜。也是北京出了名的小吃。The baked mutton in the nursery rhyme is no other than the specialty of "Maji on Hubu Street", which is also a famous snack in Beijing.

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坐在窗边远眺黄浦江的对岸,耳边回响起的仿佛是咿咿呀呀的留声机的那金色喇叭中传出的歌声,给人留下了一种巨大的时光落差。When you are sitting beside the window, looking at the other side of the river, it seemed to have the sound of the old gramophone surrounding your ears.

两个孩子咿咿呀呀地学会走路后,我把种子罐放到了冰箱顶部,那样孩子的小手就不会碰倒我的珍宝了。By the time our sons were toddlers, I had moved the seed jar to the top of the refrigerator, where their curious little hands couldn't tip over my treasure.