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本使他的同事们都相形见绌。Ben overshadows all his colleagues.

她使所有的竞争者都相形见绌。She outshines all of other competitors.

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这个美人使我见过的所有姑娘都相形见绌。The beauty effaced all girls I have seen.

想法周围的光环让我们相形见绌。We are overshadowed by a nimbus of ideas.

他妻子的名声使他的名声相形见绌。His fame was obscured by that of his wife.

她在体育运动方面的才能使她的对手相形见绌。She dwarfed all her rivals in athletic ability.

城堡使其他一切都相形见绌。What overshadows everything else is the castle.

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巨人的大笑声能让龙的咆哮都相形见绌。A giant's laughter could put to shame a dragon's roar.

相比之下,罗斯福家族和布什家族的统治时间似乎就相形见绌了。The Roosevelts and Bushs seem short timers in contrast.

在内华达州东北部的农村,黄金价值足以令其他事物相形见绌。It is hard to outshine gold in rural northeastern Nevada.

你那漂亮的花园使我那几朵小花相形见绌。Your beautiful garden put my few little flowers to shame.

在计算机的操作方面她妹妹似乎使她相形见绌。She seems extinguished by her younger sister in computery.

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他的口才如此只好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。His eloquence is so good that he cuts dowm the best orator.

不过跟其他种别相比,人实在相形见绌。Compared with other species, though, humans are missing out.

而2010年上海世博会在这方面就相形见绌了。The Shanghai World Expo 2010 comes up short in that respect.

小提琴使所有的竞争者相形见绌。The young girl violinist outshone all the other competitors.

两相对照,那些撅嘴板脸的男队员更是相形见绌。But this only makes matters worse for the country's pouting men.

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这款精心制作的游戏让其他同类游戏相形见绌。This well-crafted game has put other games in its genre to shame.

女孩的迅速成熟导致男孩在考试中相形见绌。The fast maturing of girls leads to them outshining boys in exams.

女孩的迅速成熟导致男孩在考试中相形见绌。根本没有意识到。The fast maturing of girls leads to them outshining boys in exams.