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除了外在美,内在美也要重视。Work on your inner beauty too.

外在是指信息。External refers to information.

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你的外在美吸引我的视线。Your outer beauty attracted my eyes.

富有是哟中外在的特征。Being rich is a very external quality.

陌生环境的恐怖指的是外在的恐惧。Agoraphobia is the fear of being outside.

内在因素和外在因素。internal factors versus external factors.

我认为外在于内在同等重要。I think apperance is as important as inner.

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羞耻心是非常外在的,公众的Shame is something very external and public.

所以它既有外在价值,也有内在价值。It's got extrinsic and intrinsic value for me.

我们的内在世界和外在世界通过设计联结在一起。Our inner and outer worlds are yoked by design.

人们说外在美是肤浅的。They say that physical beauty is only skin deep.

他懂得真美远胜于外在美。He knows that true beauty is more than skin deep.

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外在侗族、朝鲜族、蒙古族中也有杨氏。External Dong, Korean, Mongolian also has Young's.

你认为外在美很重要吗?Do you think physical beauty is an important thing?

严格说来,外在表现不过是一种面具。Strictly speaking, appearence is nothing but a mask.

有些会盲目地追求外在美。Some of them are in blind pursuit of physical beauty.

他们摧毁一切外在的权威和公民社会。They destroy all outside authority and civil society.

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神的启示隐藏于外在的形体中。God is revealed in the hiddenness of the external form.

清楚你的应用的外在影响。Understanding the external impacts of your application.

祝福我们的建外在新的一年里。Wish our Huachu a more splendid future In the new year.