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而且手上没有任何破绽。And the hand without any flaw.

不要让你的防守出现破绽,戴莫斯!Don't let your guard down, Deimos!

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但,却最终会露出破绽。But, finally will actually expose weaknesses.

钉子穿透她的上衣,留下一块难看的破绽。The nail perforated her coat and left an ugly rip.

采访人员想用他的问题使我露出破绽。The interviewer tried to trip me up with his questions.

那盗贼挥霍金银,露出了破绽。The robber gave himself away by spending so much money.

她温文尔雅的外表第一次露出破绽。For the first time her veneer of politeness began to crack.

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如果敌人进攻,就集中兵力看准敌人的破绽去打击它。If they attack, concentrate your forces and attack his weakness.

究竟“人无完人”。当破绽露出的时候,我们又该如何隐瞒?Is "No man is perfect. " The time when the flaws exposed, how should we hide?

而刘汉在司令部外也发现了破绽,及时判断并撤退。Liu Han in the headquarters also found the flaw, timely judgment and retreat.

能够看得出我的破绽,很不错呢。时间亦掌握得很好。但为什么杀不了我呢?You can see my rips, Not bad. Good timing as well. But why can't you kill me?

完成的作品,从表面上看类似董、唐真迹,不露破绽。Completed works, the surface, similar Dong Tang authentic, do not reveal flaws.

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侯德标没有看出破绽,于是让铁峰他们换上伪军服去了军火库。Hou Debiao did not see a flaw, so they change the ana let iron peak went to Arsenal.

如果你是个好的观察者,就能够看到这些情绪中破绽流露的踪迹。If you're a good observer, you can see a trace of one of those emotions leak through.

凭他长期的经验,他只要找到了破绽就能抓住不放,穷追猛打。And when such an opening came, he knew by long experience to play for it and to play hard.

如果可能的话,圣经的这种说法应该立即被当成弥天大谎而被揭露,但是,我们没有看到丝毫破绽。Such claims would be exposed as immediate falsehood if they could. But we know of no exposure.

也许,只有当我们扮演某个角色露出破绽时,我们才得以一窥自己的真实面目。Maybe, it is only when we failed to cover up the roles we try to play, can we see our true face.

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对很多人来说,过去支持房地产投资的理性基础,也正现露出破绽。For many, however, the rationale that underpinned real estate investment is showing surprising flaws.

我们必须撕开对方的防线,寻找破绽以在阿尔皮球场取得至少一个的主场进球。We must seek out and expose their frailties without conceding a precious away goal at the Delle Alpi.

这种由众人参与的维基百科的模式是巧妙的,而且,据我个人测试,毫无破绽。This Wikipedia-style crowdsourcing is ingenious, and, as far as my testing was concerned, bulletproof.