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仓促造成浪费。Haste makes Waste.

青春是一场仓促的梦。Youth is a very transient dream.

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这项手术不能仓促完成。The operation couldn't be rushed.

他杀逝世了卫兵后匆仓促逃走了。He killed the guard and made away.

我从内心里为我的仓促而害臊。I was heartily ashamed of my hastiness.

他的妻子告诉他不要仓促行事。His wife told him not to go off at halfcock.

我是在匆忙中仓促决定买下这双价格昂贵的靴子的。I was rush into buying these expensive boots.

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是呀,一切都如斯的匆仓促!Is ah, everything is all the in such a hurry!

标题为“仓促答辩状的择要”。the heading is "headline of headlong pleadings".

在仓促跳跑时,许多小牛被踩死。Many young cows were trampled to death in the rush.

一件眼前损失的仓促的利益。That too-hasty profit snatched from approaching loss.

不要因为时间仓促而马马虎虎。Don’t scamp your work because you are pressed for time.

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另一种可能性是,你进行了仓促的授权。The other likelihood is that you delegated prematurely.

董事们迫使董事长仓促作出决定。The directors railroaded their chairman into a decision.

前文细致详尽,后文有些仓促,身长腿短的感觉。The finely detailed, the hasty, length short legs feeling.

杰克从后窗仓促逃走,勉强地逃过了特工们的追捕。Jack flees out a back window, narrowly escaping the agents.

我匆仓促品味了浆糊然后将其丢在废泥灰上。I tasted the paste in haste and cast it on the waste plaster.

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他仓促地开始准备混和快干混凝土将洞口补上。He hurriedly prepares the hole and begins mixing the concrete.

青春是一本太仓促的书,我们含着泪,一读再读。Youth is a book too hasty, our tears, read it again and again.

木匠仓促之中把这棵树作成了一个普通简陋的食槽,用来喂养牲畜。Rater, she was made into a plain and rough feed box for animals.