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他全家都注在一各印第安居留地鲤。His family are in an Indian reservation.

时间掌握得真好!现在我们到了岛上温特拿的企鹅居留地。Perfect timing. Now we are at Ventnor on the island.

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如果今天你到这块居留地来,你所看见的是。What you'll see, if you go to the reservation today.

曾经的大面积的居留地,现在竟没有学校,也没有救护站。Once large settlement now has no school and aid station.

是说这些黑帮的人多数显然是非法居留者。Officials note most apparently are in this country illegally.

留学生外出须随时携带本人护照和居留许可以备查验。Keep your passport and Residence Permit with you at all times.

我想了它将会做一些好处和我拖拉我们的居留装成规矩的女人。I thought it'd do some good to drag our resident prude with me.

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秋虫所不屑居留的地方!Or rather a place where the insects themselves disdain to stay!

现在你们的恩人正在敲我目前居留地的门呢。Now, your benefactor is knocking on the door I currently reside.

我目前正在做与沙迦艺术基金会的居留项目。I am currently doing a residency with the Sharjah Art Foundation.

移民大赦使得部分非法在美居留的人得以重见天日。An immigration amnesty has enabled many illegal residents in the U.

申请人应当在居留地提出申请。The applicant should file the application at the place of residence.

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很久很久以前,我祖母的祖母已经离开了这片印第安人居留地。My grandmother’s grandmother had left the reservation generations ago.

你知不知道在拉斯维加斯中心有一个派尤特人的居留地?。Did you know that there's a paiute reservation in the heart of las vegas?

凡持X签证者,必须在来华30天内办理居留许可手续。X-visa holders must apply for residence permit within 30 days upon arrival.

留学生持居留许可在华居住方属合法。It is legal to stay in China only after you have the valid Residence Permit.

你曾过有申请许可证,永久居留南非?。Have you at any time applied for a permit to settle permanently in South Africa?

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在临时居留签证期限内,我必须居住在昆士兰州。I must reside in the State of Queensland during the period of my provisional visa.

在递入的意向书中,得分最高者更有可能被邀请申请居留。Thosewith highest total points in their EOI may be invited to apply for residence.

非中国公民还需要提交您有效的中国居留许可。Non-Chinese citizens are required to submit copy of valid Chinese residence permit.