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一个幻想的无缝错落有致。A Seamless Patchwork Of Fantasy.

集成是近乎无缝的。The integration is almost seamless.

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无缝的和低努力整合。A seamless and low-effort integration with.

细菌也存在于无缝完整的鸡蛋内部。Bacteria can be inside an uncracked, whole egg.

自动重新连接实际上是无缝的。The automatic reconnection is virtually seamless.

行李厢盘与行李厢地板之间无缝嵌合。The tray seamlessly lines the luggage compartment.

它展示了一个不需要读盘的无缝世界。It showcases a seamless world without loading screens.

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人类的工作流必须与MEIS无缝整合。Human workflows must integrate seamlessly into the MEIS.

可以无缝地访问多个子网。The communication to multiple subnets occurs seamlessly.

北京浩博特殊厚壁管主营各种材质的无缝厚壁钢管!Beijing Haobo special thick wall of the North China Sales Co.

这就是我们谈到无缝集成时所指的内容。This is what we mean when we talk about seamless integration.

阐述了无缝线路的基本结构和基木原理。Basic structure and theory of LWR are elaborated in this paper.

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无缝管担当起开发高技术高附加值产品的重任。The seamless pipe is produced as high additional value product.

最后,探讨了无缝线路稳定性安全界限的模糊性。In the end, fuzziness of CWR stability safety limit is discussed.

我们无缝管专家做了充分的调查分析。Our experts have done a full seamless Investigation and Analysis.

在这种情况下,您需要建立无缝安全性框架。In this case, you need to establish a seamless security framework.

能够与EPDM数据无缝集成很重要。To have an ability to seamlessly accessing EPDM data is important.

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无缝管专家表示这主要是由经济周期决定的。Seamless experts said it is mainly determined by the economic cycle.

这种无缝管的显著特点是高精度、高光洁度。This seamless significant feature of high precision and high finish.

如何在汽车、大众捷运和自行车之间进行无缝切换?How do you make seamless use of vehicles, rapid transit, and bicycles?