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你帮助我们做重新装饰房间的所有活计好吗?Will you help us with all this re-decorating?

活计未完不给傻瓜和孩子看。Fools and bairns should not see half-done work.

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我放下活计眼里充满雾水。I turn from my work and my eyes fill with the mist.

放学后我们六个孩子毫不例外都有课后的活计要干。Each child of the six of us had after-school duties.

苔丝微微有些脸红,但仍没有停下手里的活计。Tess blushed a little, but still did not pause in her work.

不久耐儿也来到我们一起,把一些针钱活计放在桌上。Nell joined us before long, and bringing some needle-work to the table.

每天我们走得脚都疼了,却还是找不到任何活计。We walk around every day till our feet ache but we can't find anything.

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伊丽莎白正在对面角落里做活计,把这全部情景都看在眼里,感到无限高兴。Elizabeth, at work in the opposite corner, saw it all with great delight.

有人在忙着活计,角落里响着她脚镯鸣奏的乐音。Some one was busy with her work, and her bangles made music in the corner.

这些活计,她总是一声不响地去干,没有谁支使她。These things she did without a word and without being commanded to do them.

他为了能揽到一个卖力气挣钱的活计,受尽了委屈和侮辱。In order to get him to a money selling effort work, suffered injustice and insult.

我放下活计眼里布满雾水。他为什么特地到我门前来呢?I turn from my work and my eyes fill with the mist. Why did he choose to come my door?

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我放下活计眼里充满雾水。他为什么特地到我门前来呢?I turn from my work and my eyes fill with the mist. Why did he choose to come to my door?

他告诉她他呆过的船的名字以及船上不同活计的名称。He told her the names of the ships he had been on and the names of the different services.

量尺寸,然后手起剪落,生活在有一搭没一搭的活计中。Estimate size, cut since the hand next fall, live in one take the handicraft work that did not take.

他靠得更近了,很快他们就并坐在那里,两人都一头扎在爷爷手中的活计上。He edged in even closer and soon they were sitting there, both heads bent over what Grandpa was doing.

今天,他们只能在印度乡村外围空旷地带,搭建帐篷,接点简单金属加工活计。Today these blacksmiths pitch camp on the outskirts of tiny Indian villages and make simple goods from metal scrap.

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也许是学习某一门外语,演奏某一样乐器,木艺,历史,园艺或自己动手的活计。Maybe it's learning a foreign language, playing an instrument, woodworking, history, gardening or do-it-yourself projects.

完工之后,三只小猪对各自的活计都很满意,于是便在和平共处、自主自决的气氛中生活了下去。When they were finished, the pigs were satisfied with their work and settled back to live in peace and self-determination.

在后对于小手术的麻醉方的家中,外祖母含辛茹苦,抚养子女,并在轰炸机装配线上找了份活计。Back home, my grandmother raised their baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line. Bfter the war, they studied on the G.