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主顾常临。Customers constantly make calls.

这间酒吧有许多忠实的老主顾。This pub has many loyal customers.

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他为许多富裕的主顾设计。He designed for many wealthy clients.

这位推销员今天上午向两个可能的主顾打了电话。The salesman called on two prospects this morning.

这家商行的主顾多得应接不暇。The firm has more clients than it can take care of.

汤韦坚逊是华米亚傲慢及好色的主顾。Tom Wilkinson is his arrogant and lascivious patron.

这家高级商店以主顾富有为荣。The exclusive store prided itself on its carriage trade.

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由于服务不周失去了许多老主顾。Many a customer has been lost through negligence of service.

当然啦,每家旅馆都要依靠其主顾的名声。Of course. Every hotel depends upon the repute of its patrons.

这一问题让很多男人困惑,或许下面这些来自于女主顾的答案能让他们明白其中的究竟。They might understand if they could see the following answers.

把紧俏商品留给肯出大价钱的主顾们。Keep rare items back for customers who would pay the best prices.

看看接下来朝鲜会这样回应这位老主顾。It will be interesting to see how North Korea responds to its patron.

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鲨鱼一定是个好主顾,它们用身上的食物付钱。Sharks must be good customers, paying with their bodily food rewards.

他表示,现在他的一些海外主顾付款并不及时。He says some of his overseas customers are now late in making payments.

她曾经是大坑一个上海裁缝的老主顾。She used to be a regular customer of a Shanghainese tailor in Tai Hang.

她绕过主顾走过来,双眼直瞪着他,看上往很不欢畅。She did not look happy but glared at him as she moved round the customers.

超等市场正在向本日来的每位主顾奉送一盒糖。The supermarket is giving away a box of sugar to everyone who comes today.

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鹦鹉玛尼与其主人穆尼亚潘先生平均每天接待10位主顾。Mani and his owner, Mr Muniyappan, see about ten customers on an average day.

如果他们向你的网页提供可能的主顾,那么给你的搭档信息费。Offer to pay partners a referral fee if they refer prospects to your website.

掌柜是一副凶脸孔,主顾也没有好声气。The manager had a fierce face, and the customers also lacked pleasant voices.