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大麻会降低精子能动性和增加不正常精子的数目。Marijuana can decrease sperm motility and increase the number of abnormal sperm.

感性活动原则的最重要特征是受动性与能动性。The most important properties of sensuous activity are passiveness and activeness.

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人在与自然的关系中既具有能动性又具有受动性,是两者的辩证统一。The relationship of man and nature is dialectical unity of initiative and Passivity.

历史、文化、生活经验、风俗习惯等因素可以引起人的喻体能动性变化。History, culture, life experience and custom may bring about the changes of capability.

在实战比赛中,注重主动进攻运用的能动性和实效性。In the actual competition, notice the motivation and the actual effect applied by active attack.

因此,有必要赋予法官在裁判疑难案件中一定限度的司法能动性。Therefore, it is necessary to give the judge in the handling of hard cases of judicial activity.

相对权力性影响力而言,非权力性影响力更能激发员工的工作能动性。Compared with power influence, non-power influence can much more inspire the initiative of the staff.

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假使自己能有幸进入A校进修,自己能愈加充沛地阐扬能动性并具有更多地时间做感兴味地事。If I can enter A school to study, I can more fully play initiative and have more time for interested in.

任何夸大人的能动性而否定人的受动性,或者夸大人的受动性而否定人的能动性都是不科学的。They are not scientific magnify the activity and negate passivity, or magnify passivity and negate activity.

它主要包括主体的“为我性”、能动性、创造性、自主性等四个方面的内容。Subjectivity mainly embodies the subject's "self-benefiting", activeness, creativity, and voluntariness, etc.

越来越多的研究已经发现这样做会破坏男性精子的生命力和能动性。There have been an increasing number of studies that have found damage to sperm vitality and motility in men.

去年的先锋会议结束后,我写了更有效发挥政治能动性的24个步骤。After the Bioneers conference last year, I wrote about the 24 steps to make political activism more effective.

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培养学生受挫后的恢复力,把握挫折的能动性。To develop students' reasonable abilities to recover from frustrations and grasp the activity of frustrations.

此外,正如以上图表所示,能动性一直是我拯救世界的所有策略的一部分。And, as the chart above shows, activism has long been part of my "what you can do to help save the world" list.

自我调控理论强调儿童的能动性和灵活性。It includes strategies and skills. The self-regulation theory emphasizes children's activation and flexibility.

总之,传统的评价方式在很大程度上忽视了学生在学习中的主体性、能动性和创造性。In short, to a certain extent, summative evaluation ignores the evaluation on students creativity and subjectivity.

年龄越来越大——超过50岁——可能因精子能动性和正常精子数目的降低而影响男性生育能力。Growing older — beyond age 50 — may affect male fertility by reducing sperm motility and the amount of normal sperm.

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除了站姿要稳和低以外,南拳还讲究高度的灵活性和能动性。While the firm stances are required, a high level of mobility is also necessary while maintaining the low positions.

然而,最近,我对我写的有关政治能动性的真正的效果益发表示怀疑。Recently, however, I've become more skeptical in my writing about whether or not political activism really has any effect.

相比之下,找到固定工作的社会科学毕业生则把他们的成功归因于他们自己的能动性。In contrast, social science majors who found permanent employment attributed their success to their own personal initiative.