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熊皮毯是他一件引以自豪的礼物。The rug is a gift heisproudto display.

那当然是我们可以引以自豪的事。That's certainly something we can be proud of.

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雅典有引以自豪的现代化体育设施。Athens can boast very modern sporting facilities.

但是最让我们引以自豪的是夏舍里的第二个春天。But mostly we gloried in our second spring at the summerhouse.

许多美容针灸师引以自豪的对他们的整体服务。Many cosmetic acupuncturists pride themselves on their holistic service.

英国引以自豪的是警察不携带武器。Britain is proud of its unarmed police force, ie that does not carry guns.

我们引以自豪的是在验收测试期间没有软件缺陷出现。We were proud that no software defects showed up during the acceptance tests.

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这并非乔普林首次发行的音乐,但是他最引以自豪的一首。It was not Joplin's first published music. But it was the he was most proud of.

但在我的故乡,大多数人的尊重和曹引以自豪的是他的同胞乡亲。But in my hometown, most people respect Cao and are proud of being his fellow townsmen.

今后,各国可为其实现自力更生、不再接受援助而引以自豪。In the future, countries can take pride as they graduate from receiving aid to self reliance.

男人爱其引以自豪的女人,他们会向家人和朋友介绍她们。Men fall in love with women whom they will be proud to introduce to their friends and family.

这引以自豪的转折点有深厚的历史根源,涉及中国,西方,甚至日本。This proud prickliness has deep historical roots that involve China, the West and even Japan.

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“我们有我们引以自豪的名誉,但绝不能为了急于赚钱就玷污了它,”他说。"We have a proud reputation, but mustn't tarnish it for the sake of making a quick buck, " he said.

洛阳牡丹花会已成为洛阳人民引以自豪的盛大节日。Luoyang peonies have become the new developments have been proud of the people of Luoyang grand festival.

我们引以自豪的,我们广泛使用的花岗岩,大理石和异域手挑伍兹在整个股。We take pride in our extensive use of granite, marble and exotic hand-picked woods throughout the entire unit.

几年来,在汤业国和他的团队殊荣簿上,留下了许多引以自豪的成就。Come a few years, on book of Shang Yeguo and his group special honour, left a lot of bringing with proud achievement.

尤文那成熟的稳定性是他们取得胜利的法宝,更是球迷们引以自豪的骄傲。Juvetus is mature and stable as long as they are approaching the Cup. Its fans are proud that it is the Juve's tradition.

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当地人钦佩拉格德,是他领导了上阿迪杰的革命——由生产大瓶出售的葡萄酒转变为生产让人引以自豪的意大利最好白葡萄酒。Locals admire Lageder for having led Alto Adige's evolution from producing jug wine to boasting some of the best whites in Italy.

随着时间的流逝,我删掉了一些照片,它们是让我曾经引以自豪的照片,竟还没来得及传到电脑里。As time went on, I was deleting photos from my camera before they even reached the computer that I would have been proud of before.

一句赞扬的话、一个微笑、成绩报告卡上的一个好分数,或者做王码电脑公司软件中心些使自己引以自豪有事,都能产生这种能量。A word of praise, a smile, a good grade on a report card, or doing something that creates pride within oneself can create this energy.