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我所读过的、最深入浅出的、有关健康的诠释。Edward Taub, M. D. , author of the Wellness Rx.

这本书深入浅出地告诉我们怎样利用电脑去做复杂的工作。This book tells us in a simple way how to use a computer to do complex work.

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深入浅出是此课程的主要教学方法。The main teaching method of the course is to explain the profundity in simple terms.

蒋老师的文章深入浅出,即有专业知识,可读性又强,令本人十分受益。Mr. Jiang's article is very helpful to me, with professional knowledge and good readability.

他总能深入浅出,擅长将复杂的科学事实变成每个普通人都明白的有趣内容。He has a knack for making complex scientific facts interesting and accessible to common people.

本书深入浅出,全面地介绍了计算机算法。PREFACE This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the modern study of computer algorithms.

一连八集的电视特辑,以深入浅出的手法探讨不同范畴的知识产权问题。An eight-episode TV documentary series examining the various aspects of intellectual property rights.

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我们切盼每一篇作品都能够深入浅出,既有充实的内容,又不晦涩难懂。We look forward to deep questions explored in simple terms, each piece content-rich without being murky.

克鲁格曼博客的读者们纷纷留言,祝贺他获得诺贝尔奖,称赞他的言论深入浅出.Readers of Krugman's blog posted hundreds of comments congratulating him as an accessible voice of common sense.

一篇很好的文章,深入浅出地分析了中国的食品安全问题的现状及根源。A good article. It analyses the present situation and sources of food safety problems in China simply and accessibly.

本书深入浅出,通俗易懂,是每一位准妈妈的良好读物。This book explains the profound in simple language, easy to understand, is each accurate mother's good reading material.

何博士以随处可见的生活事例深入浅出地为大家讲解各种专业知识。Doctor He explained all kinds of professional knowledge in deep but simply with the things seen everywhere in our daily life.

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为了让读者深入了解“知识经济”的含义,作者以问答形式,深入浅出的解释这个新概念及其重要性。Using a simple question-and-answer format, the writer explains this new concept and its importance in future economic develomenmt.

对利用CAL命令进行计算及绘制图形的方法与技巧进行了深入浅出的详细介绍。It gives a detailed introduction on the method and technique of using the CAL command to calculate and draw graphics in simple terms.

知识深入浅出,使同学们在欢笑中掌握了当前IT发展的动向。The profound knowledge explained in simple language that causes schoolmates to grasp the current IT development trend in laughing heartily.

本课程分为理论和案例示范两大部分,深入浅出,令每个参与者都能掌握系统排列中的奥妙!This course is divided into theories and cases, easily understood, making each participant be able to control the mystery system alignment !

从知识技能层面和能力素养层面两个层面,以及时代性、实践性、综合性三个特性,对信息技术课做了深入浅出的探讨。It has been researched in knowledge skill and ability literacy at different levels, so do with features of timelines, practice and synthetic.

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在简短的演讲中,深入浅出的介绍了中国物流现状以及ICL对现状的理解,并提出了相应的意见以及建议。The representative Mr Wing Wong introduced ICL's understanding and opinion for Logistics Status in China, and bring some related suggestions.

丰富的直销资历加上对市场的敏锐,王总监在课程中深入浅出地让学员清楚知道美兆健康管理金三角的精华所在。Fulfilled direct sales experience and sensitivity to the market, Wang made trainees know the value of Golden Triangle of MJ health management.

经过这种练习与训练,累积足够的经验,以深入浅出的方式来解释和说明。Through this kind of practicing and training, researchers can accumulate enough experiences, explain and illustrate the theses in simple terms.