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这封信是他的手笔。The letter is in his own handwriting.

这些画出自同一个画家的手笔。These pictures are from the same painter's brush.

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我认出了这是我父亲的手笔。I recognized the handwriting as that of my father.

我认出了那是我父亲的手笔。I recognized the handwriting as that of my father's.

这位作家在他的作品中运用了活泼的手笔。this writer uses vivid descriptions in his writings.

互联网最早出现的时候,很多网站都是美术设计家的手笔。Internet first appeared, many sites are home to art and design.

这是一幅名家的手笔,一幅价值连城的作品,我的恩人!A painting by a master, a picture of great value, my benefactor!

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在多年的研究之后,此时的性生活能够是大师的手笔。The act can be at this time can be a masterwork after years study.

我有一幅出自名家手笔、送给我做生日礼物的画。I have a picture by a famous painter which was sent to me for my birthday.

那两个报告极其相似,这意味着它们出自一人办六级成绩单的手笔。The similarity between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.

位于阿拉巴马州麦金托什的美国唯一一座压缩空气储能站就是他的设计手笔。He designed the only U.S. compressed air storage plant, in McIntosh, Alabama.

出自大作家手笔的诗歌或散文能够给不公正的行为以猛烈的抨击。Poems or essays that flow from the pen of a great writer can hit injustice hard.

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据说原本出自公元4世纪的画家顾恺之的手笔。It is said to go back to the painter Ku K'ai-chi, who lived in the fourth century AD.

这个碑铭出自唐代大书法家颜真卿的手笔。This inscription was written by Yan Zhenqing, the great calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty.

没有什么大的动静,但是EA表示他们在未来针对基于WebGL游戏有大的手笔。Nothing terribly shocking, but EA says they have big plans in the future for WebGL-based gaming.

古典、高贵是这个空间给我们的感觉,墙面上挂着的风景画,也是出自主人的手笔。Classical, noble is the space to our feelings, metope hangs from the landscape, is also the master hand.

加快杭州湾跨海大桥建设,正是再创改革开放新局面的巨擘手笔。Speeding up the construction of the Bridge is a great action of recreating new phase of opening-up and reform.

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诺曼·伯德韦尔是一名优秀的儿童作家、插图画家,畅销儿童图书“大红狗克利福德系列”就是出自他的手笔。NORMAN BRIDWELL is the award-winning author and illustrator of the bestselling Clifford The Big Red Dog series. Mr.

人莫强于能吃能喝,并且能劳作中得到满足。依我看,这是上帝的手笔。A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God.

秋“张在小说里提到得并不多。他们试图在电影的情节里丰富和填充这个人物的形象,不过我不觉得会有更多的手笔和空间可以用来填充她。Cho's mentioned briefly in the books, but they try to cram so much into the films that I don't think there'll be room for her.