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凡此种种,不一而足。Similar cases are numerous.

我们施给此人种种恩惠。We heap the man with favours.

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当然还有别的种种特征There are all those other claims.

我向他倾吐我的种种烦恼。I unloaded all my troubles on him.

她认识到生活的种种现实。She awoke to the realities of life.

他干的种种坏事使他自食其果。His ill doings redounded upon himself.

加速衰老的种种积习。Practices that accelerate ageing lift.

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凡此种种皆不利良好睡眠。All that would ill accord with good sleep.

这种种关注会令他感到意外么?Does all this attention still surprise him?

忘掉我,离弃我,厌恶我之种种。Forget, renounce me, hate whate'er was mine.

她开始意识到生活中的种种严酷现实。She is awaking to the grim realities of life.

那时正流传著种种离奇的谣言。Strange rumors were then being bandied about.

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种种美德集于玛丽一身。Mary has all sorts of graces accounted to her.

生活中种种不如意真的可以打倒我们。The disappointments of life can knock us down.

我希望空闲时种种花。I hope to take up floriculture with my leisure.

灌输种种家庭观念是一个长期的过程。Imparting family values is a long-term process.

由于以上种种,IRB现在运行得不错!Thanks to everything above, IRB is now running!

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种种乌托邦都经过这些通道在地下行进。Utopias travel about underground, in the pipes.

他已经遭受了种种无法形容的痛苦。He has already gone through unutterable agonies.

他亦因种种善行得到了“推土机”的美名。He won the nickname "Bulldozer" for good reason.