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路上足足走了2天2夜。The journey took fully two days.

马达连续运转了足足450天。The motor ran 450 solid days on end.

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因为马文的体重足足有两百磅以上。Marvin weighs over two-hundred pounds.

我们已经足足步行了三公里。We have walked three kilometres clear.

而我们,却可以募集足足5000亿。Instead of that, we could have 500 billion.

仅1590至1615年间,就有足足三万六千英亩Well, 36,000 acres just between 1590 and 1615.

家里做起了饭,我足足吃了半锅饭。Home start the rice, I a full ate half Pot Rice.

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沙威注视着那地区足足有一个多月。Javert watched the quarter for more than a month.

嗯,真的有好久了,足足四个月零七天啊。Yea, really a lot time, four months and seven days.

那时候,我每天打电话给她,打了足足一年。“I called her every day for a year, ” Emanuel said.

这个小家伙的出生日比预产期足足提前了一个多星期。The couple's third child was more than a week early.

而她们足足有一年左右成了我们的影子。But they have been our shadows for a good year or so.

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他们的脸被足足抻到了平常的两倍!Their faces smeared to almost double their usual width.

你看著我们的结婚证书,足足有一小时了。You've been reading our marriage certificate foran hour.

结果,Leanne加入了游泳队,而我足足重了10镑。Thus, Leanne joined the swim team, and I gained ten pounds.

同时,温度足足降了有十度。At the same time the temperature dropped a good ten degrees.

一个既不用借债又不用奉承人的人,可以称得上心满足足。He may well be contented who need neither borrow nor flatter.

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她从大量的信件中挑出一些念给我听,足足花几个小时。For several hours she read me portions of many of the letters.

后来他又返回那儿,放声大哭,足足哭了两个小时。Then he came back over here, and cried, easily, for two hours.

他吃了我一老拳,足足在床上躺了一星期。After I hit him with a powerful punch, he laid in bed all week.