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节欲苦行的人。Aperson of ascetic habits.

我将永不会做一个苦行者。I shall never be an ascetic.

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另一桩苦行就是饮用牛奶。Another penance was the drinking of milk.

实行苦行生活并非关键技术。But the hair shirt is not the critical technology.

没有苦行能得到神的恩典吗?Can one receive the grace of God without austerities ?

随后拉比尔走进沙漠祈祷,从此成为苦行者。Rabia went into the desert to pray and became an ascetic.

从古至今,权力都是苦行者的罪恶嗜好。Throughout history power has been the vice of the ascetic.

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婆罗门!我的孩子!请停止练习进一步的苦行。Brahman! O my child! Cease from practising further penances.

如果用爱来敬拜神,那么苦行又有何必要?What need is there of penance if God is worshipped with love?

接着,他开始了极端的苦行。He now embarked upon a course of extreme "self-mortification".

如果用爱来敬拜神,那么苦行又有何必要?What is the use of penance if God is not worshipped with love?

你的很多世都设法通过苦行来劝解我。For many births you tried to propitiate Me through austerities.

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残忍的苦行窟,处女们的火坑,蛮不讲理的地方。Liars of terrible devotion, caverns of virgins, ferocious places.

不,我的伴侣,我永不会做一个苦行者,任意你怎么说。No, my friends, I shall never be an ascetic, whatever you may say.

他们的斋戒是更严格的,他们的其他苦行演习严格。Their fasts are more rigid, and their other ascetic exercises stricter.

有些人自愿选择住在我们修堂里做苦行主义者。Others choose lives of asceticism within our cloistered residence halls.

当节制成为唯一的选择时,苦行者的念头就来得很容易。When abstinence is the only choice, an ascetic frame of mind comes easy.

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普通人经历严厉的苦行和艰苦奋斗之后通常只会得到少许的虔诚。An ordinary man acquires a little devotion after austerities and a hard struggle.

带回来很多我年轻的时候在布茹阿佳苦行的极乐的记忆。Bring back lots of blissful memories of the austerities of my youthful days in Vraja.

印度人有两个方面的特点——一种是寸步不离家园的人,另一种是四海为家到处云游的苦行者。India has two aspects--in one she is a householder, in the other a wandering ascetic.