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我只希望他能痊愈。I only want him to recover.

她目前已完全痊愈。She has now fully recovered.

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伤口尚未痊愈。The wound is not yet healed.

永远痊愈不了。Forever could not convalesce.

祝你早日痊愈。I wish you a speedy recovery.

要想痊愈就听其自然吧。Leave the cure to Mother Nature.

时间飞逝,伤痛逐渐痊愈。Time went by and so wounds heal.

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但是这是个痊愈必要步骤。But this is necessary step to heal.

我很快痊愈,但留下了风险。I healed fast, but the risk remains.

在她痊愈之后,他们成了情侣。They became lovers after she recovered.

女孩好一点了,不过仍未痊愈。The girl is better, though not yet cured.

所有在美国的患者都已经痊愈。All infected U.S. patients have recovered.

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没多久,我的肺脓肿就痊愈了。Before too long my lung abscess healed up.

旧伤从不会痊愈,我父亲说。The old wounds never heal, my father says.

这种软膏能使烫伤痊愈。This kind of ointment will heal the scald.

伤员奇迹般地痊愈了。The wounded man made a miraculous recovery.

非何杰金淋巴瘤能痊愈?。Be not He Jie gold lymphatic tumour can heal?

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感冒有时需要很长时间才能痊愈。Clods sometimes take a long time to get over.

遵照指示用药,你就会很快痊愈。Follow this medication and you'll recover soon.

幸而天无绝人之路——她的妈妈最终痊愈了。Forgot to say, her mother recovered in the end.