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那么,这段是引子Okay, so that's the intro.

大脑需要的是引子。All the brain needs is a clue.

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引子,帕萨卡利亚与赋格,作品96。Introduction, Passacaglia and Fugue, Op. 96

渝菜网,只是作一个引子。Chongqing cuisine nets, just as a starting point.

但是,大多数作家章引子意义。But then, most authors' chapter intros make sense.

这是一门讨论公正的课程,我们以一则故事作为引子。This is a course about justice and we begin with a story.

这章节只是引子,接下来的才是电影的看点。This chapter is only overture. Thenext is the flower of the film.

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一张杂乱的办公桌,或者潦草的标点符号都可能成为发火的引子。A messy desk or sloppy punctuation might be enough to set off a temper tantrum.

音乐引子或前奏,也同时是独立的钢琴短曲。Music which precedes something else. Also a self contained short piece for piano.

在英国用谈论天气作为引子开始交谈并不罕见。It is not unusual in England to begin a conversation by talking about the weather.

过年前,订购我们的引子时,一定要参考一下喔。Don't forget to check this table while you prepare order prior to the Lunar New Year.

我的剧本实际上是一个前传,是小说故事发生前几天的一个引子。It’s actually a prequel, covering events that happened a few days prior to the novel.

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引子不应该过份渲染、过度推销其后的报道内容。And teases should not over-promise or over-sell the content of the story that follows.

第二卷的存在则是单纯的为了滚出后几卷的引子。Volume II is the existence of the order to get out after only a few volumes of primers.

在引子部分对舍勒的生平与思想做简单的介绍。We introduce the MAX SCHELER's thought and life generally in the beginning of this paper.

因此,在线浏览者不会花上过长的时间阅读那些无止尽的引子或是等待动画下载。Online surfers do not have the attention span to wait for a long overly done intro or animation.

我在这里是很简短的从奥运的角度为此次发布做一个引子。I am here is very short from the perspective of the Olympic Games for the release to be a primers.

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引子,在弦乐的震音上竖琴奏出了琶音,一种迷人的音响。The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo -- an enchanting sonority.

在此引子之后弦乐奏出了“乡村提琴风”的旋律。After the introduction comes the melody featuring the strings playing in the style of country "fiddlers".

他讲述了在生火的引子用完之后他是如何用这个杂志来引火的。He told about how he had used the magazine to start fires sometimes when the kindling had been exhausted.