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高炉用回溯法是可能的吗?Is BFS is possible using backtracking?

熔剂在高炉中起什么作用?。What do fluxes do in blast furnace smelting?

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高炉结瘤是能够预防的。The accretion in blast furnace is preventable.

炉箅子是高炉热风炉的重要部件之一。Furnace grate is a main part of hot blast stove.

高炉上料车车轴在使用过程中发生断裂。A axle of blast furnace charging wagon broke in use.

看窗外,就在那座大高炉旁。Look through the window, near the big blast furnace.

冷返矿是整粒系统高炉槽下筛分出的。Mine is back to Cold Blast Whole system of screening.

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酸性转炉法使用称为“转炉”的高炉。The Bessemer Process uses a furnace called a "converter".

料车式高炉上料系统是一个多环节的复杂系统。Feeding car-style blastfurnace system is a complex system.

高斯高炉不再使用小行星的旅游效应。Gauss Blast no longer uses asteroid for its travel effect.

高炉煤气用布袋除尘技术已成为高炉煤气除尘的发展趋势。Bag-type strainer of Blast-furnace gas is the developing trend.

通过改善渣相,高炉生产指标有了明显进步。Production index has raised by improving phase diagram of slag.

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开铁口机是高炉炉前的主要设备之一。Tapping machine is one of the main equipments of blast furnace.

从高炉中毯蠖出的铁叫生铁。The iron extracted from the blast furnace is known as pig iron.

包里斯炉能定量描述炉身生产情况,是模拟高炉生产的理想设备。Bolis furnace is an ideal apparatus for simulation of BF operation.

在小高炉上料系统中,计算机监控软件是必要的。Monitoring software is necessary in charging system of blast furnace.

开铁口机是完成打开高炉铁口操作的关键设备。Taphole driller is a key equipment to open the taphole blast furnace.

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重点介绍了4号高炉炉底烧穿的原因、处理及维护。The disposal of bottom burn-out of No. 4 BF was introduced particularly.

有没有在我们的口味高炉品牌弯人造肉的颜色。There are no artificial colors of flavors in our Meat Blast Brand Twists.

建设大高炉要按实际的炉料条件确定容积,还必须考虑投资及生产成本。Blast furnace volume must be decided by burden condition and coke quality.