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未来两天震区的雨天气预报。Rain forecast for quake-hit areas on next 2 days.

但是,震区很显然存在着紧张气氛。But there were obvious tensions in the earthquake zone.

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中国青年旅行社也提供震区一日游服务。The China Youth Travel Service offers day-trips to the quake zone.

中国地震救援队60人今天下午从北京飞往震区。About 60 rescuers from the CEA left Beijing for Qinghai this afternoon.

震区的所有救援队伍都面临着艰难的抉择。Teams like these were making tough choices all across the earthquake zone.

中国已经派出一支50人的救援小组前往海地震区。China sent a 50-member rescue team to Haiti and they will set off on Wednesday.

菅先生很快巡视了震区,并发表了很好的国家电视讲话。Mr Kan swiftly toured the earthquake zone and made a good national address on television.

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在震区的人在感到大的晃动之前,有时首先感到上下跳动。In the earthquake zone who are in great sway until the first is sometimes beat up and down.

在该震区地震前后做了一些大地测量的复测工作。Repeated levelling surveys have been made at the seismic areas before and after the earthquake.

在埋葬了她以后,他同其他的幸存者一道离开了震区,打算三天以后回来。After burying her, he left the quake zone with other survivors, only to return three days later.

甘肃、陕西、新疆和宁夏等兄弟省份也纷纷派救援队前往震区。Rescuers in neighboring Gansu, Shaanxi, Xinjiang and Ningxia were also on the way to the region.

同时对无震区与强震区黄土孔隙分布曲线进行了对比研究。Then the curves of pore distribution in intense seismic area compared with that of non-seismic area.

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这两天,几乎每一条关于震区的新闻都让人落泪。In thses two days , people were moved to tears for nearly each news reported in the earthquake areas.

从广东驾车来的人们驾车行驶2500公里到达震区,他们正在分发从绵阳附近买来的面包。People who have driven 2500km from Guangdong are handing out bread they have bought in nearby Mianyang.

如果我可以,我将会阻止记者和地震废墟采访者进入震区。If I could, I would have stopped reporters as well as quake ruin visitors from entry into quake-jolted areas.

汶川地震中,陕西省西安市和宝鸡市两地处于远震区。In Wenchuan Earthquake, Xi'an city and Baoji city in Shaanxi Province are in areas with large epicentral distance.

极震区的人在感到大的晃动之前,有时首先感到上下跳动。Most people in the earthquake zone was shaking before the large, sometimes from top to bottom was the first beating.

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今天,Google又一次伸出援助之手,提供了中国青海震区的高清卫星图片。Again, today the company is offering this same sort of imagery in the aftermath of a 6.9 earthquake in Qinghai, China.

起初,北京明令禁止来自震区的报道,但是撕心裂肺的图片和故事已经传播开来。At first, Beijing banned coverage from the disaster zone, but heart rending images and stories were already pouring out.

中国疾控中心已经往震区运了1万份疫情防控宣传单。China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention already had delivered 10000 plague prevention leaflets to the quake zone.