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然后不久她加入了施虐并成为里面的一个名角。Then she soon became an abuser and a star inside the group.

卢局长是京剧名角,对沈先生非常仰慕。Director is a Beijing Opera star, very admire to Mr. Shen. But Mr.

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如今,董明珠已是商圈里名角。Today Dong is something of a celebrity in Chinese business circles.

压轴名角韦唯,演唱“同一个世界,同一个梦想”和“同一首歌”。The last one is Weiwei. She sang the songs named"One world, One dream"and"The same song".

结果发现跟李小龙,成龙,李连杰等名角都搭档拍过戏的,竟然独我一人。It turns out that I am the only person that has acted with Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li among many others.

“演戏这事嘛,”他接着说,“倘若你能成为名角,是不错的,但是对其他人来说就不怎样了。"The stage, " he went on, "is all right if you can be one of the big guns, but there's nothing to the rest of it.

他扮演一名京剧名角,他把自己的生命奉献给心爱的人,却得不到回报。在变幻的历史中,他受到命运的捉弄。He acted the opera star, who dedicated his life to the love with no return, and was toyed by fate in the changing history.

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他天生敏感、易受影响,无法适应成名后的生活——讽刺的是,他还是世界上妇孺皆知的名角。Highly sensitive and impressionable, he was unsuited to fame – ironic, given that his became one of the most recognised faces in the world.

报刊上关于京剧演员,尤其是京剧名角的广告、评论和竹枝词等,提高了演员的社会影响力。The newspaper advertisements, comments and poems about Peking Opera performers, especially the Peking Opera stars, improved their social influence.

因此,内部审计作为“管理参谋”的“名角”已经登上了我国企业内部审计的舞台。" Therefore, the internal audit as a "management staff" and "Ming Jiao, " Chinese enterprises have already appeared on the stage of internal audit.

俄罗斯虽说一路杀入欧洲杯半决赛,可他们也算不得出众,但主帅希丁克却是公认的名角。Russia are not an outstanding side, even if they did make it to the semi-finals at Euro 2008, but the manager Guus Hiddink was supposed to be a colossus.