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店小二应声来到程咬金身边。He answer to cheng bite gold side.

数名日本特工神色警惕看向店小二。Several Japanese agents look alert look to the waiter.

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吩咐店小二给我准备一间干净的客房。I asked the clerk to prepare a clean guest room for me.

美国店小二竟不给驻华大使一点面子。This American barista didn't give the Ambassador to China an ounce of face.

然后判官问店小二,他知不知道为什么蜜蜂飞来救他。Then the judge asked the bartender if he knew why the bees had come to save him.

当判官宣判店小二无罪后,蜜蜂才飞走。Only when the judge called off the bartender's death sentence did the swarms of bees fly away.

古人有避名讳的习俗,尤其是店小二,不应直呼庄主名字。Avoid the name of an ancient custom of taboo, especially the waiter should not address him by name Mansion.

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女掌柜一看又是程咬金,便暗中吩咐店小二不要答应对方的任何要求。The female manager a look is cheng bite gold, he secretly said he dont promise to the other party of any requirements.

在那之后,店小二发现有许多蜜蜂被酒味吸引,掉到桶里淹死了。After that, the bartender noticed that quite a few bees were attracted by the smell of the liquor, fell in, and drowned.

谭小燕和莫莉再次来到饭铺赎表,掌柜一脸可怜地向她们道出了店小二卷了钱财跑路的事情。Xiao-yan tan and Molly again came to the restaurant redeem table, the shopkeeper a face of poor says the bartender volume to them the money run things.

从前,在贝拿勒斯有个酒馆老板,他有个很勤快的店小二,总是设法帮忙发明做事情的新方法。Once upon a time, there was a tavern owner in Benares. He had a hard working bartender, who was always trying to be helpful by inventing new ways of doing things.