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死神,把厌烦我的生命攫取。And take a Life that wearies me.

敢用什么手攫取这火种?What the hand dare seize the fire?

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于我,穴居人攫取了先知。In me the cave-man clasps the seer.

他总是擅自攫取他朋友的东西。He's always scrounging off his friends.

这就给了我们攫取市场份额的机会。This gives us opportunity to grab market share.

她攫取了一张纸片,攥住它,然后背过手去。She snatched a paper out and held it behind her.

资本家们先买后卖,进而攫取利润。Capitalists buy and then sell things to make a profit.

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在烟雾的掩护下,他偷偷地攫取了那只罐子。Under the cover of the smog, He snatched the pot on the sly.

很多人认为我们应该这些理性的财富攫取者们继续干下去。Many thought we should let these rational wealth-seekers get on with it.

科恩说,他的买家将热衷于攫取良好陈述性质。Mr Cohen said he buyers would be keen to grab well-presented properties.

整个帝国被攫取电线胎的欲望所鼓动起来。The entire empire was highly inspired by the desire of grasping the wire bire.

因此,为了攫取利润,橡胶大佬们必须获得对大片土地的控制权。Thus to make a profit, barons had to acquire control over huge tracts of land.

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在攫取了该区域中大部份的微行星后,胚胎就停止成长了。Its growth stalls once it acquires most of the residual planetesimals in the zone.

这正是土地攫取所贡献的贫困,掠夺,以及冲突!This land grab and the profits contribute to poverty, dispossession and conflicts.

为了攫取一切有价值的东西,他们一次又一次的回来强取豪夺。Again and again they returned to plunder and ravage , to seize everything of value.

它正在把贸易触手延及非洲,乃至拉美。为了给增长中的经济助燃,它正在世界各个角落竭尽所能的攫取石油。It is sopping up oil wherever in the world it finds it to fuel its booming economy.

其执政之初已从美国提供的援助资金中攫取了上百万的私财。He lined his cofferswith millions in U.S. aid money during his early years in power.

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其执政之初已从美国提供的援助资金中攫取了上百万的私财。He lined his coffers with millions in U.S. aid money during his early years in power.

两个熊幼崽的妈妈爬上一棵个太平洋野苹果树去攫取果馅和小果子。A mother of two cubs climbs a Pacific crab apple tree to grab its tart and tiny fruit.

私有资本攫取剩余价值,即对劳动的剥削过程。Capital appropriates the surplus value, a process referred to as exploitation of labor.