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那是自作聪明。That was smart.

别自作聪明。Don't look wise.

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不要自作聪明地提供解决办法。Don’t try to offer brainy solutions.

在场下,他十分风趣机智但从不自作聪明。Off court he was witty but never smart-alecky.

真不幸,自作聪明的家伙。我有数据。Unfortunately for you, smart-alec, I Got the Data.

这个自作聪明的菜鸟侦探让自己身陷危机。The smart-aleck rookie detective got himself in trouble.

我的意见就是出去旅行,并时不时地说些自作聪明的俏皮话。My advice is to ride it out, make an occasional smart-aleck quip.

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请不要自作聪明。我没有必要告诉你从哪里拖回来。Please do not try to be smart. I do not need to tell you where to drag back.

那个自作聪明的家伙来到这里,异想天开地要教我们一友致富的诀窍。Some smart ass came in here and offered to show us the alchemy for instant fortune.

笨人的可怕不在其笨,而在其自作聪明。The horror of the stupid is that they think themselves smart not for their stupidness.

也和他所有的朋友一样,要是有人说他自作聪明,从来都是当做恭维话来听的。Like all of his friends, he considered it a compliment when somebody called him a wiseass.

他们自作聪明地把事情过度复杂化。They get carried away with their own cleverness and build things that are overcomplicated.

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中国就是有太多的这样的军事草包,自作聪明,妄称专家。There are too many of such military good-for-nothings who are presumptuously called experts.

杰姆身上除了最近出现的怪脾气外,还添上了一副叫人受不了的自作聪明的派头。In addition to Jem's newly developed characteristics, he had acquired a maddening air of wisdom.

只有当你自作聪明,揠苗助长,画蛇添足时,你与大自然的和谐才会受到伤害。Only if you do the extra and harmful thing to it, the harmony between you and nature will be hurt.

随后,他绝望地发现自己所扮演的高傲的英雄,自作聪明的人物,以及浪子的形象反倒颇受人们的欢迎。He despaired later that people seemed to like him as “the cocky hero and the smart-ass and the rake”.

避免太过于高校或者自作聪明的名字,市场导向的名字,公司名,或者不被树枝的技术名词。Avoid cute or clever names, marketing-induced names, company-specific names, and unfamiliar technical names.

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但是不要过去自作聪明,面对一个无所不知的人,许多人会保持安静因为他们找不到继续下去的点。But don't be too clever. Faced with a know-all, many people keep quiet because they see no point in continuing.

国王看到猿猴如此放肆,他命令杨将军去把自作聪明的猿猴射下来。When the King saw how disrespectful the ape was, he ordered General Yang to go shoot down that smart aleck ape.

大盘的实际走势往往超乎大多数人的预期,“自作聪明预测大盘的顶和底是愚蠢的”。Grail actual movements often beyond most people expected, "wiseacre prediction grail top and bottom is foolish."