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他在军需部门。He's in the quartermaster corps.

联邦军需要尽快重建部队并训练士兵。The Union needed to build and train an army quickly.

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封锁船封锁港口,阻止军需物品的运送。The blockading ships prevented delivery of munitions.

美国在冲绳的基地抑制了地区性的军需消费了吗?Do U.S. bases in Okinawa help dampen regional arms spending?

盖着破帆布的军需车摇摇晃晃地在凌乱的车辙中驶着。Commissary wagons with torn canvas covers rocked through the ruts.

政府军需处的人给水牛起了个绰号叫“远程大炮”,她变成了俱乐部的吉祥物。The G.I.’s nicknamed the buffalo Big Bertha, and she became the club mascot.

军需处长用自己宝贵的生命换来了他人的生命,自己只穿着单薄的衣服。Director with his quartermaster precious life for the people's life, his only in a thin dress.

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这艘建造用来运军队的舰船,实际上当它被德国击沉它时,船上装载有军需物资。The ship had been built to carry arms and was in fact carrying munitions when the Germans sank it.

法军需要冒着英军弓箭手的齐射,在泥淖中冲锋300码距离才能与英军交手。The French charged across 300 yards of this slop, all while suffering fire from the English archers.

该船续航能力极强,因此多用于远途运输部队和军需物资。It can cross great distances, making it useful for ferrying troops and supplies to far away locations.

巴格拉战船是阿拉伯式远程运输舰,配有舷炮,极为适合运输部队和军需物资。Arabic long distance sailing ship, with mounted swivel guns, useful for transporting troops and supplies.

通往真兴里的窄轨铁路还可以使用,因此决定在那里建立了一个军需车站。The narrow gauge railroad was operable as far as Chinhung-ni and it was decided to establish a railhead there.

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龟井让钱柏豪从今之后帮他筹措军需物资,还让柳文婷去放送局播放新闻。After Mr Kamei let Qian Baihao from now to help him raise munitions, also let LiuWenTing broadcasting bureau news.

军需自国内取用,粮食和草料在敌国就地征集,这样军队的粮草供给就可以满足了。Bring war material with you from home, but forage on the enemy. Thus the army will have food enough for its needs.

他强令削减基地开支和军需获取量,在参谋长联席会议上激起了愤怒。怎奈一些资金又神秘地归回原处。He forced cuts in bases and procurement on the outraged joint chiefs, only to find some money mysteriously restored again.

军需企业是国有企业中一支特殊的队伍,向军队提供后勤服务。The military-supplies enterprise is a special state-owned enterprise for providing military supplies insurance and services.

禁售的国防物品列在美国军需清单中,其中包括航天器系统和配套设备。Prohibited defense articles are placed on the U.S. Munitions List, which includes spacecraft systems and associated equipment.

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在中央设太仆寺,在地方择水草丰茂之地建立了苑马寺,即为国家级的军需养马场。In the central government, Taipusi was established, in the local area, Yuanmasi was established as a national horse-breeding farm.

在二战期间,布里真德镇就是英国最大军需工厂所在地,这里有超过4万名工人,其中大部分是女工。During World War II, Bridgend had one of the biggest munitions factories in the country, employing 40, 000 workers, most of them women.

为了实现这个目的,中国海军需要沿着更大战舰和更强综合作战能力的方向发展。In order to achieve this, the Chinese Navy needs to develop along the lines of bigger vessels and with more comprehensive capabilities.