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几乎所有的黑色金属中都含有碳。Carbon is found in almost all ferrous metals.

美国黑色金属铸造业。Ferrous Metal Foundries Industry in the U. S.

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最残酷的黑色金属宋写过!The Most brutal Black Metal Song Ever Writen!

这块黑色金属板被称为集热器。This black metal plate is called a collector.

一个部分是一张被漆成黑色金属薄板。One part is made of a sheet of metal painted black.

这听起来应该像黑色金属的刺耳声音。It should sound something like a black metal raspy voice.

是否要裹黑色金属片你自主选择。Think of it as freedom of choice wrapped in black sheet-metal.

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住宅项目所用的基本材料是混凝土、玻璃、黑色金属和木材。The basic materials used are concrete, glass, black metal and wood.

适合焊接黑色金属工件与一般交流电极。Suitable for welding ferrous metal workpiece with general AC electrode.

看来,黑色金属、木材和纸浆是削减的重要对象。Ferr metals, timber , and pulp seem to offer the main field of reduction.

有色与黑色金属,天然橡胶,乳胶。Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals, Natural Rubber, Latex and Synthetic Rubber.

看来,黑色金属、木材和纸浆是削减的重要对象。Ferrous metals, timber, and pulp seem to offer the main field of reduction.

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适用于不锈钢、钢、金钢等黑色金属材料的焊接。Suitable for the welding and stainless steel, carbon steel, alloyed steel etc.

黑色金属可分为钢,铸铁和熟铁。The ferrous metals can be classified into steels, cast irons, and wrought irons.

极低粘度金属加工油,适合黑色金属和有色金属的冲孔和冲压加工。Very low viscosity oil for punching & stamping of ferrous & non ferrous material.

细长的黑色金属柱支撑上层,赋予了它一个硬朗的外观。Slender black metal pillars support the upper storey, giving it a stilted appearance.

这些项目涉及油、气方面,以及黑色金属、有色金属和稀有金属方面。These projects cover oil, gas and ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and rare metals.

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他被捆在一张黑色金属椅上,头被罩住,胸前别上白色的靶标。He was hooded and strapped to a black metal chair, with a white target pinned to his chest.

适用于黑色金属,有色金属的布氏硬度测定。It can be applied to determine the Brinell hardness for ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal.

第一个棱体由黑色金属结构组成,一端对着素混凝土主体。The first prism consists of a black metal structure that ends on an exposed concrete staple.