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他迫使这匹马走。He make the horse go.

我将会迫使他做那件事。I will force him to do it.

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他们迫使敌军后退了。They drove the enemy back.

饥饿迫使他犯罪。Hunger impelled him to crime.

滂沱大雨迫使我们绕道而行。The heavy rain made us stray.

饥饿迫使他去偷食。They hunger him into submission.

饥饿迫使他去偷食。To cause to endure severe hunger.

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他们能迫使我们屈服吗?Can they compel obedience from us?

他们能迫使我们听从命令吗?。Can they compel obedience from us?

我们迫使进攻的敌人后退了。We drove back the attacking enemy.

是什麽动机迫使他这麽做?What motives impelled him to do so?

我的责任迫使我把它说出来。My duty pricked me on to utter that.

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什么迫使我们这么多人去“加入”。What compels so many of us to ‘join’?

饥饿迫使他去偷食。Hunger goaded him on to steal the food.

贫穷和饥饿迫使他们偷窃。Poverty and hunger drove them to steal.

女老板迫使工人们拼命干活。The woman boss drives her workers hard.

雨迫使我们停赛。The rain compelled us to stop competing.

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斑马看见一头狮子,压力迫使它逃跑。Zebra sees a lion, stress makes her run.

饥饿迫使他们卖儿卖女。Hunger drove them to sell their childern.

他迫使工人们干得一个个累趴在地。He drove the workers until they collapsed.